Last year at this time we were sad. We had to make the tough decision to hold Aiden back in first grade. It reminded us that even as far as he'd come, he was still recovering from a dramatic loss of speech due to an unknown episode. We were confident in our decision, but sad to realize Aiden would need to remain at UCP school, and have to watch his friends move on while he stayed back in 1st grade.

Well... today, the day before the last day of school, Aiden's class held a young authors tea at school. Each child wrote and illustrated a book, and read it to the other children, teachers and parents in the room. Aiden PROUDLY read his story, and you could see the happiness on his face at the opportunity to share his creation with us. His reading aloud was beautiful. We spoke with his teachers as well, and it's not a question that Aiden is promoted to 2nd grade. We couldn't be happier, or feel more blessed by this news. We received Aiden's IEP update, and he has reached so many of his goals, that they essentially had to re-write to raise the bar for him.
As we left his classroom today, I realized it was the last time I would be leaving that particular classroom. The room he's been in for 2 years. The room I've left numerous times feeling scared, worried, uncertain. The room I left today with tears filling my eyes at the wonderful fact he'll be headed upstairs to the big time -- 2nd grade. Next year, he'll remain at UCP Bailes special needs charter school where he'll continue to receive the help he needs through speech therapy, and individualized education, and maybe, who knows... but maybe one day, Aiden will move to East Lake Elementary. And if he doesn't, UCP is a blessing and we couldn't feel luckier for the gift we receive by having such a wonderful special needs charter school just down the street from us. Aiden is beating the odds, and overcoming his delays. SO congratulations to my amazing Aiden Jack - 2nd grader.
It just feels like yesterday Anna made me a mommy. That was one of the happiest days of my life. From the moment Anna arrived we could see she had a passion for life and all the wonder around her. She has a strong personality (like me perhaps), and is a hard worker. Every moment since then, she has made us so incredibly proud. Tomorrow, Anna graduates 5th grade, and officially becomes a middle school-er. I have to admit, I'm feeling sad about this. I just can't believe it's time. It's times like this in life that I feel hyper-aware of how time is passing by...We just picked her up in the last ever car line at East Lake Elementary, and yep, I lost it again when I heard her name called. 6 years of that... well that's a lot of "Anna Lesnick, go to number 1".
So, the big news. Anna is graduating elementary school with nothing but straight A's from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Yes, 6 years of Perfect A's. Tomorrow is the awards assembly/graduation where I know Anna will be recognized for her many achievements. She has SO much to be proud of, SO much ahead of her, and we have so many things coming that we'll be kvelling over in the years to come. If you are wondering what Kvell means, it's yiddish, look it up. ;) Anna's school had a very fancy 5th grade graduation dance party last week. They started at the school and paraded around waving goodbye to all their old teachers, and were then bussed to a hall down the street for an elaborate party in their honor. She had a great day. Tomorrow, awards in the morning, and that's it. We get to take her home. So congratulations to my amazing Anna Elizabeth, perfect A's and now..6th grader.
(the first picture was taken on the first day of Kindergarten, the 2nd picture was taken before her 5th grade dance)
What's coming this summer...
Well, first, apparently the band director at Anna's new middle school has resigned due to moving out of town, so they are looking for a new band teacher. Will and I have been asked to be on the committee to help choose this new band teacher. YAY! We are excited to already be involved at Corner Lake Middle School, and hopefully Anna will LOVE her band experience.
Both kids are excited to attend our Kindermusik camp a couple weeks this summer. Aiden will continue private speech therapy and crossfit kids classes. They will also attend a drama camp, and their regular day camp as well. Swim lessons are in store, along with piano lessons, and if we're lucky, some R&R as well.
Will and I are running Grow and Sing Studios together now. It's our family biz. We work ALL the time, but we are having fun while doing so, and we do love it.
So.. with a box of tissues almost gone, and with a bursting heart of pride, I happily watch the passage of time as my two beautiful children move to their next chapters.
Thanks for reading,
Love, Holly
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