Unfortunately, I'm not feeling so great right now. A little sinus pain, etc. but hopefully I can shake it off quickly. We had some strange weather today, so that probably has something to do with it.
Anyway, to catch up where I left off ... well... Anna is officially registered for Kindergarten. It was a little traumatizing actually going there and doing it. But Will reminded me that it doesn't mean she starts tomorrow. She still has like 4 months before she goes.. so that's a lot of time to get used to it! :) I took a picture of her new school. It's been open only 2 years, so it's nice and new.. and we hear GREAT things about the principal. There is a Kindergarten "Round Up" on April 30th which is an orientation, and then on May 30th Anna will go for an assessment with all the Kindergarten teachers. I guess they like to find out what levels the children are at before the year begins.

There was a "parent's night out" schedule with my friends for Saturday night, and since Will was working TWO weddings, I asked Rachael to be my date. It was nice to get out on a Sat. night and just have some adult chit chat.

Our original plan today was to go to the Lake Eola Arts & Crafts festival.. but unfortunately we had some pretty severe storms this morning. So we waited it out until the storms passed, and finally around 2pm we made it out. We met up with my sis, Steve, Kayla and Brandon for a late lunch at RJ Gators. It was yummy, and then strolled the mall a bit together.
Here are the happy girls..

Here's my happy boy!

Here's Happy Brandon!

Me and Aiden

The family strolling through the mall (minus me)

Kayla, Anna and Aiden showing off their dollar store purchases...

We ended up strolling to get the kids some cookies to finish off the great afternoon we were having and the kids were hungry, so we ended up feeding them dinner. We caught this very sweet moment... isn't that sweet?

So, it ended up being a pretty good day, just with a stormy start. Will and I also talked with our friend Sam today who called on a Satellite phone from Iraq. He is doing okay.. but he said something that was pretty sad. He said that as we all go on with our daily activities which are always busy, new and exciting... for the Marines over there, it's like the movie "Groundhog Day". He said it's the same exact thing everyday. The good part about that statement is that at least he isn't in the front lines where it IS different every day... but I felt really bad for him when he said that. So Will and I think it's time to help make at least one of his days DIFFERENT from the rest. We want to get another box together of goodies and send it off. SO, if you are reading this and would like to contribute to a box that you KNOW will land in the hands of our friend Captain Evans and his unit... just let me know. It can be anything from food, to books, magazines, DVD's (they have them on their computers), CD's, personal hygiene products, etc. Our last box that we sent over was received well, as it was a CASE of girl scout cookies from us and the Joachims. Apparently the cookies were consumed in about 10 minutes!!!! The box also contained items donated by my mother's co-workers at ORHS (thank you all!!!). Our goal is to send the next box in TWO weeks. If you live far away and are reading this, and want to contribute, you can do so by contributing $$ and we can purchase items for you. Oh, and Sam and his unit were originally supposed to be over there for 7 or 8 months, and now it's going to be at least 13 months. :(
Sam, if you are reading this, please know that it's our goal to bring some joy to one of your days VERY soon!!!! No more Groundhog Day!!!
I think that's all for now. Tomorrow will be busy. Kindermusik, Anna in school, Anna's dance class, my chorus rehearsal. So, it's time for me to go to BED!
Until next time...
Love, Holly