I'm also SOO excited because tonight we booked our plane tickets to go up North for our summer vacation. This will happen at the end of July into early August for 10 days! YEY!!!! We are taking the kids and going to Philly, staying with my Aunt Rhea and Uncle Steve, meeting up with some Lesnicks, and then to the mountains at Bellasylva (a historic family place on Will's mom's side). After the mountains we go back to Philly for a family reunion on my mother's side. This side of the family has never done that, so this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I just found out my mom is going up too , as well as my sister and her family. It's all VERY exciting!!! We haven't really been on a vacation since our cruise when Aiden was 8 months old.. so I'm SOOO ready!
I had some great Kindermusik classes this week.. they were really special (they always are, but somehow this week really clicked for me). Tomorrow I am doing a birthday party. This one is unique because as it turns out, Will did the parent's wedding video!
This was the email I received, "I hope you don't mind me asking, are you related to Will Lesnick? Your last name, Lesnick, seemed familiar when you first returned my call (caller ID). Now in reading this e-mail, I see that our payment posts to In-Focus Media. I'll never forget the name of that business b/c Will video-taped my wedding. He did an AWESOME job!! Because of him, I will have memories of that magical day forever. Anyway, what a small world...now you (I'm not sure of your relation to Will) are going to make music w/ us for my daughter's 2nd birthday. You Lesnick's have a way of being there for memorable occasions :) How cool is that...LOL!!"
I thought that was really cool.
Today after Kindermusik and after the kids got home, we went over to celebrate a 2nd birthday for one of the playgroup kids. I captured some pics... Anna avoided the camera today because she was in the pool the whole time.
Here is Kali blowing out her candle

Enjoying her cupcake

Aiden enjoying his...

Kali, Nikki and Kendall

Okay, I'm spent.. time for bed...
Kindergarten registration coming soooon!
I'll post soon. :) Sam, if you are reading this from Iraq, call us! We miss you and wonder how you are doing.
Night all!