Thursday, May 17, 2007

BIG weekend!

My little girl is graduating from Pre-K tomorrow! Oh my goodness! She keeps asking when she is going to Kindergarten -she is eager to start! But of course first comes camp....which she is also excited about. Well our big weekend is about to begin, with her last day of school, arrival of Will's parents, then her graduation, followed by her dance rehearsal. Then Saturday is the big recital.

Yesterday, Wed... Aiden and I are normally at Kindermusik, but since we are on break for that, I took him to the park. Just the two of us. It was so much fun. Here's the A-man on the swing!

Today I watched Anna at school during Gymnastics. Her confidence has grown so much since the beginning of the year.

Tonight, Anna and I made cookies for her class tomorrow. "Last day of school cookies". She stayed up late and decorated cards for her teachers as well.... and if I didn't know any better, was a bit excited about this weekend...okay A LOT excited. Me too.

Lots to post really soon... "I'll be back". ;)

Love, Holly