Saturday, March 24, 2007

Saturday night...

It's been a few days, a busy few days! Will and I are about to go out to a movie, so this entry will be short. We are going to see Reign on Me, with Adam Sandler. I will report back and let you all know what we thought of it! This was a crazy week, a few ups and downs, but it's all good now. I did lots of teaching. It was "picture week" at Kindermusik, so my friend Kristin (who took Aiden's 2 year pics) worked VERY hard, and took over 2000 pictures of our classes. We can wait to see them. I'm sure she captured all the magic that happens in class between parents and children. :) Today, she also took staff pictures. Individual ones to change out on our bios on the grow and sing website, and also fun pictures of Rachael, Elizabeth and I. I can't wait to see those. We were awfully silly!

The kids are great... Anna was sent home this week with a report card of sorts, basically showing us where she is developmentally in preparation for Kindergarten. It was an amazing report, and we are SO proud of her. I might have to scan it in and brag a bit, especially for the family members that read my blog!! We can't believe it, but this coming week we are registering her for Kindergarten!!!!!! How is that possible. I mean really, how is that possible??? okay, the babysitter will be here any minute. So I'll be back with another post tomorrow, pictures included. Until then, have a wonderful Saturday night, and relax! :)

Love, Holly