Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Blogging withdrawl!

wow, 4 whole days without blogging. I missed it!! Life has been so busy this week. All good, but wow! We started one more class of the Kindermusik session today, so lots of preparation for that. Everyone is doing good... I have to share this amusing thing. Anna's #1 requested song in the car right now is - yes, you guessed it JOHN MAYER. She loves "Heart of Life". Have you heard it? Beautiful song, and I have to say, my girl Anna has GREAT taste. Ok, so that's not all, then there's Aiden. If you listen, you'll hear Aiden singing right along to the lyrics. Especially to "Neon". It's pretty funny! Am I brainwashing them? Maybe, but hey, it's better than the Wiggles so who cares! LOL!!!

Let's see... to update the happenings around here... we took the kids to Chuck e cheese this past Sunday, to let them blow off some steam. ummm.. YES, we are crazy! Chuck e cheese on a weekend is like voluntarily torture! But they had fun, and we had a headache. haha.

First we ate lunch at Panera... here's Anna giving her little bro ZERBERTS. Anyone remember what those are??

Then a little stroll to Chuck e cheese...

Aiden trying to touch my hands...


Monday... Anna went to school. Aiden and I went to watch Elizabeth teach Kindermusik. Then Anna had dance class. busy day!

Tuesday was torture day for me! Well, not all of it... while Anna was in school, I took Aiden to My Gym. He jumped on the trampoline for the first time. Meaning... both feet were actually off the surface at the same time. GO AIDEN!! He was very adventurous this week and climbed all over the place. I was really proud of him. After all that, I took myself for my bi-annual visit to the dermotologist. I decided about a year a half ago, after seeing a scary story on the Today Show... to get a full body mole/freckle check. To my surprise (NOT), I was told I'm in the top percent of most freckly people. Whoopie! So, every 6 months I go get biopsied just to be on the safe side. So far, all has been clear, but each time I leave with more boo-boos and a little worry. But I feel so good knowing that I am being PRO-active! So, lesson to you all out there... if you have any moles or freckles that you have been thinking "hmmm... where did that come from?" GO GET CHECKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then to torture myself some more, I finally took myself back to Weight Watchers, and stepped on that scale. I decided it was time to face the music. I'm ready to be thin Holly again! It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... but I have some lbs to lose, and now that I'm paying to step on that scale each week, I WILL do it! GO me! So say goodbye to that last bit of Aiden weight that is still left on me, cause it's unwelcome here!!!! ;)

My mom came by also that night to see the kids, and drop something off for Will, so I got a cute pic of her and Aiden:

Before the kids went up to bed, Anna and I had a little jam session at the piano... (with her ABC's book, she loves it!)

Today was very busy, lots of Kindermusik today... and I'm sleeeeeeepy!

Tomorrow I teach 2 classes, and then ... a break? NOT! Rachael and I are doing a KM birthday party on Saturday. Good times!!! Life is good.

Nighty nite!
Love, Holly

Saturday, February 24, 2007

You can never have too much fondue!

For Carrie and Chris' last night, we ate at Colorado Fondue. Yes, we JUST ate there for Valentine's day, but hey, it's one of our favorite places, and we wanted to share it with our friends who are from New York (and you know those New Yorkers, they think you can't get ANY good food anywhere but in NEW YORK!). Well we proved them wrong, and had a yummy dinner last night. :) Of course we had to get a picture under the moosehead!

On the way home we stopped at a convenience store and I was alone in the car with the camera, and was bored, so I snapped these... heehee...

Carrie came back in the car, and she got in one too!

Today Rachael and I taught our Saturday class and then had our 2nd ever Music Exploration Free Play. It's a little perk we now offer to all our registered families. A little free time to just come and play and have fun. Well we had an AMAZING turnout. What a fun morning.. here's just one pic...

Tonight we have some friends coming over. Should be a nice mellow night of sushi, wine and games, and well, as you know me by now, I will of course take some pics!!! :)

Stay tuned....

Friday, February 23, 2007

Lyrics to "Stop this Train"

Stop This Train
by John Mayer

No, I'm not colorblind
I know the world is black and white
Try to keep an open mind,
but I just cant sleep on this tonight

Stop this train
I wanna get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's movin in
I know I can't
But honestly wont someone stop this train

Don't know how else to say it
Don't wanna see my parents go
One generations length away
from Fighting life out on my own

Stop this train
I wanna get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's movin in
I know I can't
But honestly wont someone
Stop this train

So scared of gettin older
I'm only good at being young
So I play the numbers game
to find a way to say that Life has just begun

Had a talk with my old man
Said help me understand
He said turn 68
You'll renegotiate
Don't stop this train
Don't for a minute change the place you're in
Dont think I couldn't ever understand
I tried my hand
John, honestly
We'll never stop this train

Once in awhile
When it's good
It will feel like it should
And they're all Still around
And you're still safe and sound
And you don't miss a thing
Til you cry when you're driving away in the dark

Singing Stop this train
I wanna get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's movin in
I know that I cant
cuz now I see
I'll never stop this train

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Love, Holly

Long but funfilled week

wow, it's been a few days... I've been trying so hard to keep up, but it's been a really busy week! On Tuesday, we went to Animal Kingdom with Carrie and Chris. I earned some Disney tickets from singing at Epcot this past Christmas season, so what better time to use them! Lots of fun, but very crowded.

Here are some fun pics from that day...

Self portrait on the dinosaur ride

Will and Anna on the dinosaur ride...

Me and Carrie

Me and Anna

Anna in her minnie mouse ears with Will in front of the tree of life...

Carrie and Chris

On Wednesday, Carrie and Chris ventured out by themselves to Universal while the rest of us went on business as usual. I taught my Sign and Sing class, took Aiden to his Kindermusik class, and then went back later on in the afternoon and taught our Family Kindermusik class. Busy day...

Today, Carrie joined me at Kindermusik to check out what I do. It was really fun having her there to sing and play, and I think she had a great time with all the babies and toddlers! Then later on in the day, my sis and mom came by to see Carrie...

Here's a pic of Carrie with my mom and Brandon...

Tonight was a Mom's Night out, so Carrie and I joined the girls at the movies, and saw - Music and Lyrics (with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore). It was surprisingly good!!!!!! I loved it! We captured a pic before we left...

Now I'm SO tired and want to go to bed... (I just couldn't let myself get through another day without's addictive!)

Love, Holly

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Some major bonding going on!

We just couldn't get enough of the Diamonds this weekend! haha! Kayla wanted to come over to play, so it ended up being a fun visit with them on Sunday afternoon evening.

The boys bonded together for really the first time.

The girls played a lot, and then enjoyed some popcorn and a movie!
We all had spaghetti for dinner....

and then it was time to get ready for Carrie and Chris's visit! They got in very late last night, so the kids didn't even get to see them until this morning.

It didn't take long before Carrie was invited into a fun game of Princess Wishes...

We had a nice day down at Lake Eola today... The weather was gorgous...
Here's Me and Carrie....
Here's Aiden!

Me and Anna....

Tomorrow we are off to Animal Kingdom. Should be lots of fun! Stayed tuned for more pics!

Nighty night,

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hitting the stores!

The last couple days have been fun! Yesterday Aiden and I met up with Rachael and Seth to look for some things at Old Navy. Even though to most, this wouldn't seem like such a big deal... Rachael and I find ourselves so busy with our Kindermusik business, that most of the time when we see each other lately, or talk on the phone, it's Grow and Sing Studios related. It was SO nice to just get together with my FRIEND and have a shopping trip. It was quite a successful shopping trip actually, we found some really cute stuff, and I even remembered to snap a picture!

Rachael and Seth in the dressing room

As most of you know, between my Kindermusik birthday party business and Will's event video business, we don't see each other a whole lot on Saturdays. Today was no exception. Will is out shooting a wedding... so the kids and I met up with the Diamonds at Lakeshore learning for their craft day. It was very sweet. Anna, Aiden and Kayla got really into making their chickens.
Aiden working hard...
Kayla and Anna concentrating....
What a fun Saturday activity!
and here are the finished products!

Aiden showing off his work of art...
Here's Anna and Kayla's beauties....
Well, as we head into Saturday evening and Sunday, we are excited and eagerly anticipating the arrival of one of my best friends, Carrie and her new hubby Chris. They are arriving late Sunday night and staying for a week. Carrie was one of my roommates at FSU, and we have been friends for a Loooooooong time. I was just a bridesmaid at her wedding in New York. I can't wait for some great quality time that we'll get this week and also getting to know Chris better as well.
Okay, I'm off to play games with my beautiful Anna, while Aiden takes his nap... I'm sure there will be more to post soon!
Love, Holly

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's Day II

The day started out without a hitch. It was the first day in a LONG while where I didn't have to get up early to teach Kindermusik, and BOTH kids were going to A Kid's Gym for the morning. Will took them while I leisurely pulled it together, and when Will got home, we had a chance to *clears throat*! LOL. But then, as I was about to process a contract for IFM, the phone rings. It was the very first time we got a call from Anna's school. Apparently Anna's throat hurt and she was having a hard time, so I ran to get her, took her to the doctor, ran back to pick Aiden up, and finally got home. Goodness!

My mom came over to bring the kids some Valentine's Day goodies. The kids were thrilled to see her, and of course to rake in on some gifts!

Here's a sweet pic.

Of course, all I could think about ALL DAY was my dinner out with Will! It was SO yummy, and the conversation was pretty good too ;) .

Here are a couple pics from the evening...

Off to watch Ugly Betty on the DVR. Nighty night all. Wish me luck falling asleep!

Love, Holly

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sleepless in Orlando

Today was lovely, but I was so tired. For whatever reason, last night I just couldn't fall asleep. So I layed in bed watching old 80s movies until about 3am at which time I finally got some zzzzz's. But that made for a very drousy mama Holly today. However, despite that, much was accomplished. I had a lovely meeting with Rachael and Elizabeth in preparation for the next couple weeks of Kindermusik classes. Lots of fun stuff coming up! Then I had a lovely lunch with Rachael at Tropical Smoothie Cafe. I wouldn't normally mention where I eat (well I guess that's not true, I linked to Colorado Fondue a few posts ago. LOL), but there is finally a smoothie place that also has FOOD! It's really yummy and so if you live near one, check it out! Anyway, then I picked up my 5 year old Valentine from school and took the kids over to the park to meet up with my sis, niece and nephew. It was a very windy day, but felt GREAT. Lots of Valentines goodies were exchanged:

We of course snapped some pics....

Tired me with sis Dori and Nephew Brandon (who was lovingly gazing up at me... )

Kayla and Anna. Anna LOVES her new green M& M doll!!

Windy day at the park....Anna, Kayla and Aiden

I was able to work in a nice nap when I got home (THANK YOU WILL!!!!)... and apparantly there was some silliness going on!! Anna made a cute hat at school and here is Aiden wearing it...

Hope everyone had a lovely day and felt the love that surrounds you! Will, can't wait for our romantic fondue dinner tomorrow night! Love you!!!

"If you love the life you live, you will live a life of love" (Unknown)

Love, Holly

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007

My weekend, and then some...

The weekend flew by, and I realized I didn't blog. :) Here I am... so let's see...

First of all, I had the best date with my little girl on Saturday night. Anna and I have season tickets to the Orlando Repatory Theatre, and on Saturday night we went to see Go Dog Go! The play was an adaptation from the Dr. Seuss book, and was SOO cute!! I have never heard Anna laugh so hard at one of these plays before, she loved it, and actually I found myself laughing a lot too. If anyone hasn't gone to The Rep before for the children's series, I highly recommend trying it out. The next show we are going to is Seussical the Musical. Here's the link to the rep in case you are interested... I just love the time Anna and I spend together going to the shows. It's something I will cherish forever.

Carol took a pic for me on her phone, not the best quality...but I love it.

Saturday we met up with my sis, bro-in-law and my niece and nephew at the mall.

Here are Anna and Kayla reading together at Barnes and Noble.

I was SO excited that John Mayer won two Grammy's last night. He SO deserved them, and I was literally applauding in my living room. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So last night I went to a meeting for the Central Florida Partnership of Kindermusik Educators (aka: CFPKE), and was voted in as the new President (aka Local Rep) for the Central Florida Chapter. So, it is my quest to bring all the KM educators in our area together to share ideas and create a camaraderie that helps us all not feel so isolated in our own little worlds. Not an easy quest since this chapter currently reaches out to a HUGE area (tampa, daytona, etc. etc.) It's hard to convince everyone that it's worth getting together. All I can say to that, is, I went to the National KM convention in November and it was one of the most valuable and inspiring experiences I have in very long time. I'm really excited about my new position, but also know that it's going to be quite a challenge. But hey, you know me, I'm ALWAYS up for a challenge!!!

Oh, and when I was at my meeting, Will was up to no good.. He snapped this pic. If you have seen Animal House, you'll get this picture. LOL! Actually, here's a side by side comparison:

Today was Anna's dance class, and I snapped a pic of her in her taps before she went into class. What a cutie pie!

Tonight, after dinner, I was laying on the couch just relaxing (the first time ALL day), and both kids climbed up on me to cuddle. Will was able to capture it! Enjoy!!!

I wasn't expecting much for Valentines day because of my wonderful John Mayer concert surprise, but I'm excited that Will and I are going to dinner at Colorado fondue on Thursday night to spend some nice time together. Yummy, Can't wait!!!

So, now I'm off to finish doing lesson plans for next week (we are off this week which is a nice little mini-break), and then going to watch Heroes - AWESOME SHOW!!!!!!!!! Have a perfect evening everyone.

Love, Hol

Friday, February 9, 2007

Need your opinion!!

My friend Kristin took great pictures of Aiden for his 2 year pictures, and I need help deciding what to pick. Thought I would share them with my blog readers so check out the pictures on her smugmug account and let me know what you think! I also just wanted you to see Aiden's adorable punim!

BTW, if anyone reading this lives in the Orlando area, Kristin takes great pictures at reasonable rates, so call her! :)

Meet the cousin

Last night I had the pleasure of meeting one of Will's first cousins for the VERY first time. Yes, Will and I have been married for 8 1/2 years, and I just met Cousin Pete for the first time. He was in town for a conference from Virginia at the Florida Mall hotel, so we headed out there to eat dinner with him. Of course I snapped some pictures of the occasion (who knows if we'll have to wait another 8 1/2 years to meet him again!).

Why the first time? Well, Will has a HUGE family!!! Will's mom has 3 brothers who had a total of 10 children (all Will's first cousins on Molly's side), who have almost all had kids... Out of everyone, until yesterday, there were TWO left that I hadn't met. Now we are down to one, Cousin Chris. We'll have to make sure a meeting happens before our 10th wedding anniversary!!! LOL! Anyway, we had a great visit and Cousin Pete is a really nice guy!

Here we are...

Of course I had to snap pics of my cuties

After dinner we all took a stroll over to M&M's world. Anna WAS very happy about that!