Well, just as soon as I promised to post, Aiden got a fever! GEESH! Are you kidding me??? Turns out it was a weird virus with the only symptoms being a fever and a bit of fatique for 24 hours or so. I can say that as I post this, everyone is healthy. Let's hope it stays that way!
So.. since I've missed out on lots of posting.. I'll just update what is going on NOW and them back post a bit..
Tomorrow Anna is going on her first big field trip of the year to the Orlando Science Center. Will is volunteering as a chaperone so that should be lots of fun. I asked him to take lots of pictures! :)
Last weekend we met up with Dori and crew, and Rachael and crew at the Oak Haven Farms strawberry patch. I took the kids there last year. It was a lot of fun, and the kids had a blast. Here's some picture highlights!
We also recently took the kids to the Orlando Repatory Theater to see Blue Clues Live. They both loved it!
Both kids are doing great in school. Anna is excelling in her reading. Her teaching has her on a 1st grade reading level so she continues to be challenged. We are of course VERY proud of her! Aiden LOVES going to A Kid's Gym. He just smiles from ear to ear when we drop him off! I also still take him to Kindermusik each week. I just love being a "Kindermusik mommy" once a week in the midst of all the craziness! Lately, Aiden has really been into puzzles! He's able to put together 24 piece puzzles. We are still working on peaking his interest in potty training, but are not pushing the issue. (though Will and I are definitely ready to move away from diapers already!!!)
There is a pretty lake in Downtown Orlando called Lake Eola that we like to go to once in a while. It has a sidewalk all the way around it, playground, cafe, gardens, ducks/bird feeding area, swan paddles boats, ampitheater, etc. It's very charming, I have always liked it down there. Anyway, while I was suffering with the vertigo, and SOOOO sick of being in the house - we decided to go down there. We snapped a few pics...(but of course!)
Okay, well there are many pictures from February that I never got to post..but I think we are are back on track now, at least for March! I hope to be WAY more on top of things now.
L, Hol