So now (as in right now) we are going through a 24 hour long EEG. The doctor also is having more blood checked for other things (lyme disease, metals, other things). If that comes back inconclusive.. Aiden is most likely going to undergo a Spinal Tap test.
All the therapists we have seen since all this started strongly feel that some sort of brain injury or trauma happened to Aiden (be it a stroke, seizure, or something else). Hopefully one of these tests will give us some answers. But I have to admit I'm preparing myself for NO answers. We may never know what caused all this. I hope that isn't the case but one must be prepared for all possibilities.
The good news is that Aiden continues to improve. His speech and communication is better and better everyday. He is absolutely 100% no longer ticking in any way. No more rapid eye blinking, throat clearing, arm flailing. Nothing. (YEY!!!!)
It would be nice to get a medical diagnosis though so we can do EVERYTHING we can to prevent this from happening again!!
In the meantime - I do have an update on the school and therapy decision. My last post talked about 4 options that we have. Well we have definitely narrowed it down. We went to Bonneville Elementary to check out the public school special needs class. Without getting into details, this is NOT an option to us any longer. We will NOT be sending Aiden there.
We JUST a few minutes ago found out that Aiden HAS been given a spot at UCP Charter School if we want it! This is HUGE news. We still haven't toured there yet, and talked with someone about Aiden's situation, but this is a VERY exciting option for us. Here's the website if you are interested in this particular school. What is really exciting is that a new building is being built right now and the facilities come next school year are going to be state of the art!!!! Check this out:
We have an appointment there tomorrow at 1pm to tour and speak with them about Aiden... I'm guessing that by the end of day tomorrow we'll have our answer on what we are doing. If we choose UCP, it will be FREE because Aiden qualified through the school system AND he'll get his FREE speech therapy right there at school as well. This could be really great for him. At the same time, until we see the school, meet the people and decide if it's right for Aiden.. we will not get TOO excited.
So.. that is where we leave things for now. I'm attaching a picture of Aiden at the EEG taken with my phone so not the best quality.. but you get the idea. We are here at the EEG ALL night until the morning. Send good vibes and prayers!!!!!!!!

Love, Holly