Last Saturday night I had a lovely date with my daughter. I took her to play at the Orlando Repertory Theatre to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We both enjoyed it. I decided to buy us season tickets again this year, since last year was so much fun. The next show we are going to is "The Emperor's New Clothes". Should be fun as well.
Rachael, Elizabeth and I (the Grow and Sing Studios crew) did our last event for the month over at the Nick Hotel. That was quite the commitment...getting up at 6:30am every Sunday in September. BUT... we each earned a 2 night weekend stay in a family suite, so now we are all VERY happy! Yey!! We have to figure out when to cash in and take the kids. I know it's going to be a fun little "in town" getaway for us. We took some pictures in Studio Nick where we did our events.
This past week flew by. I did a Kindermusik demo class (which my sister helped arrange through one of her playgroups) on Tuesday morning which was quite a success, and then went over to Anna's Kindergarten class to Volunteer my musical services! Anna's teacher arranged for me to have an entire hour with Anna's class. I had them playing rhythm sticks, dancing, playing with scarves, exploring instruments, playing my big 4ft round drum, and singing their little hearts out. They had SO much fun and so did I. Apparently Anna walked around all morning before I got there with a HUGE smile on her face because I was coming. The kids asked if I could come back the next day. HA! I told them I would do my music again soon, but not everyday. So cute!! It was SO amazing to be able to volunteer in her class. I already planned with her teacher to volunteer this coming Tuesday, but this time, I'm just assisting with reading groups, etc. I know the kids are going to expect some music, so I might bring my guitar and do a little sing a long if there is time. :) That was most definitely the highlight of my week!
Wednesday I took Aiden to Kindermusik (Rachael's class). I love bringing him as a "mommy" to class. He just LOVES it! Then I taught my Toddler Art class. I just love teaching that class. Anna had dance class Wed. afternoon, and it was WATCHING DAY! The parents are invited into the dance room to watch the class. So of course I took some pictures! Anna did great and I was really impressed by how much she is learning.
Thursday was a very busy day because I started another Art Class, so many new faces to greet. Lots trying out the class for the first time, who by the way signed up on the spot! :) I also did my toddler music class. So much fun! Boy, Kindermusik is BOOMING right now.
Today I took Aiden to My Gym. I just love spending time with him. He is the sweetest little boy. I feel so blessed to be able to take him to Kindermusik and My Gym and just devote my entire attention to him. We have such a good time together.
Tomorrow we are taking the kids to Sesame Street Live: Elmo Makes Music. The show is coming to the new UCF arena so it's literally 3 minutes from our house. Both kids are very excited. The only other thing on the agenda this weekend is buying the kids their Halloween costumes. I purposefully kept this weekend open because the rest of October is NUTS!
I'm getting really excited about the Kindermusik Convention in Chicago! Less than 2 weeks!!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed this latest entry. See ya next time!
Love, Holly