Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Boy is THREE, and as CUTE as can be!

I had EVERY intention of posting right away about Aiden's birthday...but then, alas...I got sick. I was fighting a pretty nasty chest cold that pretty much hit me on Monday. So, here I am, a week late, but excited to share the pictures!

Aiden is very into trains right now, so we decided to have a Thomas the Tank Engine Party. We found a company who brought over 2 train tables and a ride on train. Our friend Paul made an AMAZING cake, and everyone had a great time. :) are the pictures!

Many more pictures were taken of course, and close family and friends were there! :) So much fun!

We have been taking lots of pictures this month.. so another post will follow soon. Right now, Will and I are sort of obsessed over teh new HBO show "In Treatment", and I MUST go watch an episode right now!!!! heehee...

Love, Hol