Thursday, July 26, 2007

A few pics before vacation...

Thought I would post a few pics to keep everyone going while I'm on vacation! Enjoy! See ya in 10 days!

Anna and Aiden climbed into the dress up trunk.

We had "beach day" at Kindermusik. I dressed for the occasion!

Anna and Kayla at "beach day"

Art project at home... how cute are they???

Have a great week!
Love, Holly

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Long Time no Post

It's been SOOO long. We are crazy busy getting ready for vacation AND I have to teach tomorrow. We are leaving for PA on Friday morning so lots to do before we go. I'll be taking LOTS of pictures. Family visiting, the mountains....AHH!!! If I don't check in before we leave (which I hope to do), there will be an amazing blog posting when I return! So.. I'll be back tomorrow or in 10 days!! Oh, and when we return, it's JOHN MAYER. YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I have 3 lbs left to get to my personal weight goal. yey!!! :)


Monday, July 16, 2007

Under the weather, but gettin' better...

Hello everyone!
Hope you had a good weekend... I taught a great Saturday Kindermusik class, followed by free play and then went home and relaxed. I felt really tired though. Well, I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up, I realized I was sick. OH NO!!! Will and I had plans to have my first indulgent meal in 5 months at Colorado Fondue - and NOTHING was going to stop me from that. So I got myself together and we went. It was SO goooooood! It was the first meal in so long that I just enjoyed without counting points. Okay, so I still got the dressing on the side.. haha! It was nice to be out with Will, just the 2 of us. Back to counting points the next day.

Sunday was hard. Will worked a wedding, so I was "on" all day with the kids. I didn't feel well at all, but sometimes it's harder to be at home then it is to just go somewhere. So I took the kids to the mall. My mom met us there, so that was VERY helpful. We took Anna in to play glow-in-the-dark Putt Putt. She did really well, and Aiden enjoyed getting in her way. :)

Today was just a sluggish day on the couch... hopefully with the R&R I had today.. I will be okay to play with Aiden at My Gym tomorrow.

Fall registrations are flowing in for Kindermusik, so it looks like it will be an active session. I need to get as much accomplished before we leave for our family vacation. I can't WAIT! We leave in less than 2 weeks. It's been a long time since we have been away on vacation as a family. I'm really looking forward to it. When we return, it will only be a couple weeks and Anna will start Kindergarten! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?????

Anyway, let's see I've got some pictures from the past 5 days or so...

This is Anna and Aiden at a My Gym Free Play!

We went for family haircuts, this is a before and after of Aiden. I think his favorite part is the lollipop!

Here's Anna getting her hair cut.

Apparently we wore out the kids. This was the drive home from the haircuts!

I took this picture today. Father and son reading books.

Anna drew a picture for a contest, and this is her posing with it!

Have a great week everyone!

Love, Holly

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Holiday update and weigh in results...

I'm back! I feel like I haven't posted in forever, even though I guess it's only been a few days..

So much has been going on in my world, mostly professionally. I can't really talk about it all quite yet, but I will at some point. Very emotional, but productive. It's all good , and I will share soon enough.

On Tuesday my mom took Anna and Kayla for the day. We called it "Grandma Camp". The girls had a great time, and I took a picture at the end of the day.

Fourth of July was lots of fun. We went over to my friend Kristin's house, to celebrate.

Here's Will, and family relaxing on the grass...

Here's our handsome boy. He was very interested in playing with the bat/ball.

The girls spent a lot of doing dress up. :)

Now for a moment I want to focus on the animals! Sagan is adjusting GREAT to our house. All the animals seem to be getting used to him. Lucy of course has been more hospitable than the cats. But there's been some serious bonding going on.

Here is Sagan in a standoff with Sammy. He was just trying to say "Hi"!

Lucy and Sagan are buddies. Here is Lucy resting her head on Sagan. Isn't that SO sweet???

And now for just some random moments captured on camera.

The kids were having fun dancing yesterday, and I just couldn't resist taking a picture!

Anna and I were making a special dinner for her out of a kid's cookbook, so this is Anna helping me prepare the food.

Oh, and tonight, I couldn't resist snapping away after bath time. There are many I don't feel comfortable posting on here... but this picture CRACKED ME UP!!!

Oh, and my big news of the day. I weighed in today. I decided to skip last week because I knew my leader was vacation, AND it was a strange holiday week.. so this week I went to face the music. I lost another 2 pounds! I'm now well under my "official" weight watchers goal, but I still have 5.8 lbs to get to my personal goal. I KNOW I can do it!!!! I'm so close now. So, here is a picture of me, taken today. I'm feeling SO good!!!!!

So that is a summary of the last bunch of days. Tomorrow is fairly relaxed. Anna has camp at My Gym, and then both kids get to play there for free play... so that will be our day. I teach Kindermusik on Thursday. Friday, not sure what's going in the morning, but we have family haircuts in the afternoon. I teach Kindermusik on Saturday, and then Will and I hired a sitter for Sat. night, and we are going on a date. :)

I'll be back!!!! :)

Love, Hol

Monday, July 2, 2007

Great visit!

Today we met up with my dear friend Marni, and family. Marni and I were matched up by computer to be freshman roommates at FSU. We have been amazing friends since day 1!! Marni is married to Graham, and they have an 11 month old baby named Luke. Graham is from South Africa, but they live in Atlanta, GA. Graham's family traveled from South Africa to Orlando for vacation this week.. so we were able to visit with them all! They are staying at a HUGE resort over near Disney. Most of the afternoon was spent with Marni and Luke. Graham was with the other family members at Magic Kingdom. We went for lunch, then swam in the pool. Graham and family joined us later for a bit after they were done at the park. It was a great visit. I'm SO glad I finally got to meet the adorable Luke, and Marni met Aiden for the first time! It was SOOO nice to catch up. Here are a couple pictures. Will was behind the camera today... :)

Here's a pic of Anna, Aiden, Me, Marni and baby Luke

This is Graham holding Luke

Tomorrow Aiden and I have My Gym class. Anna is going over to my mom's tomorrow to have "Grandma Camp" with Kayla! :)

Also tomorrow... weigh in day!

Night Nite!
L, Hol

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Busy Bees!

Oh my gosh. Could all this be happening at once??? We have so much going on, but it's all good. As I mentioned in my previous post, we will be taking care of Sagan for a while. Robert (Rachael's brother) came by with the dog on Friday, and all went great. Lucy and Sagan hit it off, and the kids loved him.. so we are excited to have Sagan join our family for a while. I snapped some pictures during the visit.. I thought these were nice...

A beautiful picture of our Lucy girl

Here's Sagan!

Lucy and Sagan getting acquainted

Friday night we decided to take the kids for ice cream.

Here is Anna sharing hers with Aiden (after Aiden finished his!!)

Anna took this picture - I think it's pretty good!!

Me and Anna being silly

How cute are they? They started holding hands naturally, and we were able to capture it.

Anna loves to dress up, and I just thought this picture was SO cute!

So... our other crazy news is that we also now have someone else staying at our place for a while. Drew, one of Will's employees found himself in circumstances where he needed a place to stay. He already graduated UCF, and will be moving out to L.A. in 2 months. He made an arrangement with his apartment to lease month - month... but they were able to get another renter to sign a 2 year lease, and therefore, Drew was kicked to the curb. So we are helping him out by letting him live with us for a bit. We had already arranged for him to live here while we are on our 10 day vacation... so now he'll just be here longer!

So...while Drew was moving in last night, Will and I went to a Luau party.. here are just a couple of the pictures from that...

Today we went to my mom's place to celebrate Jerry's 60th birthday. We had a nice time despite the fact that it was raining (so no swimming).

Here's Anna and Kayla, what beauties!

This was when we were singing "Happy Birthday", and Aiden was TOTALLY working the crowd.

Jerry brought Aiden over to help him blow out the candles... so sweet!

So.. let's see.. things to look forward to this week:
  1. We are meeting up with one of my best friends from FSU, Marni tomorrow. I've never met her baby - so I can't wait to see them!!!
  2. My Gym with Aiden
  3. July 4th at Kristin's!
  4. Sagan arrives
  5. Mom's night out (dinner & movie on Thursday night)
  6. Ch 13 news story is coming about my Sign and Sing class
  7. A week off from Kindermusik to just enjoy my family. (I love teaching...but I plan to relax this week!)

I'm sure there's even more, but that is what came to my mind....

So everyone, hope you have a GREAT 4th! I'll be back with current weigh in results!!

Love, Holly