Unfortunately the next day, Will and the kids came down with a bad cold virus, so I whipped up a batch of matzoh ball chicken soup, got the kids on meds, and nursed everyone back to health. I started on my remedy of Zicam and Airbourne to try to avoid catching anything. It worked! I never caught it!! Everyone be sure to take your vitamins!!!!!
Everyone felt well enough to go to Green Meadows petting farm on Saturday...so off we went to Kissimmee! We met up with Dori's crew and my friends Rachael's crew. We have tons of pictures, but here's the highlights!
After Thanksgiving weekend, a crazy week began! I sang in the Christmas Candlelight Processional at Epcot on Monday and Thursday. Monday we got to see John O'hurley, and on Thursday, Neil Patrick Harris! They were the guest star narrators. SO COOL! This year Dori is singing in the choir also, so it's like old times. It's been really nice spending time together singing in a such an elaborate Disney production. I will sing again on December 28th. Will is bringing the kids to see me. Yey!!
I've been going to the gym routinely 2 x per week. I wish I could get there more, but right now twice a week is good, with a couple pilates workouts thrown in at home. :) I love the eliptical. It's great!!!
Last week Anna announced that she wanted to get her ears pierced. I figured if she stayed consistent with the request for a day or so, I would take her. On Friday, she was still asking. Friday also happened to be the day that Aiden decided he was ready to take on POTTY TRAINING! Oh my. Aiden literally stayed naked all day, and went on the potty 3 times and never had an accident. wow! In the middle of all that, our cable went out, so the cable guy was here. After the cable guy left, Anna asked if I could take her to get her ears pierced. I figured, why not, since she was so decided on it. I honestly wasn't sure she would follow through once we got here, but it was worth a shot. So we went to Claire's in the mall. I requested that they do both ears at the same time, and they could accommodate us. Anna picked out adorable gold/pink daises, and next thing I knew --- my little girl had pierced ears!!! She did great, and is SO excited. I was so proud of her!!
On Saturday we took the kids to Disney World - Magic Kingdom. It's our once a year opportunity to get in free and participate in the audience for the Disney Christmas parade that airs on Christmas day, hosted by Regis and Kelly. We had a GREAT day.
Here are the kiddos at the end of a Disney Day!
Today I went to Anna's class and did a fun hour of Hanukkah activities. We sang songs, talked about the menorah, talking about the story of Hanukkah, danced the Hora, and played dreidel! Tonight we lit the 1st candle and the kids picked out one of their presents!
Okay, finally we are caught up!!! Happy Hanukkah to those that celebrate! What's coming up? My birthday. OY!!! I'll be 35 on December 11th. Fun pictures to come I'm sure.
Love, Holly