I have MANY things to update on as it's been quite a while since I've posted (sorry about that!). But.. my reason for this morning's post is this picture below. My cuties just left for their last day of school a few minutes ago, and I'm feeling sad!!!
How is Anna done 1st grade??? Anyway, I thought this picture was precious, and it's always been a tradition of mine to post first and last day school pics, so here you go!!
This summer lots of fun is planning. I'm KNEE DEEP in getting ready for the Summer Grow and Sing Studios Kindermusik session to begin. With about about 100 children enrolled, it's lots of prep! Anna will be going to camp 2x per week, Kindermusik, swimming lessons and hoping for LOTS of playdates with her friends. During the 5 weeks Kindermusik is in session, Aiden will not be at his special school (UCP) but will also go to camp 2x per week, swimming lessons and private speech therapy. He will resume at UCP as soon as Kindermusik ends. :)
I'll be back to post pictures from MAY as there are many good ones, and lots of fun things happened. It was a good month. :)
Back soon, Love...