Today was lovely, but I was so tired. For whatever reason, last night I just couldn't fall asleep. So I layed in bed watching old 80s movies until about 3am at which time I finally got some zzzzz's. But that made for a very drousy mama Holly today. However, despite that, much was accomplished. I had a lovely meeting with Rachael and Elizabeth in preparation for the next couple weeks of Kindermusik classes. Lots of fun stuff coming up! Then I had a lovely lunch with Rachael at
Tropical Smoothie Cafe. I wouldn't normally mention where I eat (well I guess that's not true, I linked to Colorado Fondue a few posts ago. LOL), but there is finally a smoothie place that also has FOOD! It's really yummy and so if you live near one, check it out! Anyway, then I picked up my 5 year old Valentine from school and took the kids over to the park to meet up with my sis, niece and nephew. It was a very windy day, but felt GREAT. Lots of Valentines goodies were exchanged:
We of course snapped some pics....
Tired me with sis Dori and Nephew Brandon (who was lovingly gazing up at me... )
Kayla and Anna. Anna LOVES her new green M& M doll!!
Windy day at the park....Anna, Kayla and Aiden

I was able to work in a nice nap when I got home (THANK YOU WILL!!!!)... and apparantly there was some silliness going on!! Anna made a cute hat at school and here is Aiden wearing it...

Hope everyone had a lovely day and felt the love that surrounds you! Will, can't wait for our romantic fondue dinner tomorrow night! Love you!!!
"If you love the life you live, you will live a life of love" (Unknown)
Love, Holly