Monday, September 3, 2007

Back to life, back to reality!

Well, it took me a while to get to this post, but here I am!!!

We have had quite a few weeks here at the Lesnicks! Lots excitement!

Anna started Kindergarten!!!!! Aiden started his 2 day/week preschool. I started my Fall Kindermusik session. Will had a birthday (34th!). Anna started at a new dance studio. Aiden and I continued at My Gym together. Anna started her "Kindermusik Young Child" class for 5 - 7 year olds (the first time we have offered it). Oh my, what else?

Well here are some pictures to capture the highlights....

Here's a pic of Anna and Aiden with Miss Laura. Miss Laura is Aiden's teacher now, but she was also Anna's first teacher at Pre-K. We have come FULL CIRCLE. :)

Here is our big girl with her backpack on the first day of Kindergarten. She was SOOOO excited!

Here is Anna with her new teacher - Miss Browne. Anna LOVES Kindergarten, and her teacher. She says the kids in her class are really nice.

This was taken before Will, Aiden and I left for the "boo hoo breakfast". The PTA threw that for the Kindergarten parents after we dropped off our kids on the first day. Okay, I admit it, I shed a few tears...

Here's Anna in her Ballet outfit, ready for her new studio. She loved her new dance teacher!

Things are going really smoothly around here. Just VERY busy. I started back to my chorus rehearsals for the Christmas Candlelight performances at Epcot.

Weight watchers: I weighed in last week and was down another 3 lbs since weighing in before vacation. So now I'm 5 lbs under goal weight. Yes!!

Alright, as much as I could keep's time for sleep. We just got back from a nice visit at Molly and Alan's. I'm tired. It's late...

Now that I'm caught up.. it will be easy to keep it up!

Until next time...

Love, Hol