Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Award Winning Daughter!

Hi all - it's been a busy two weeks! First of all a very belated L'Shanah Tova!! We had a lovely Rosh Hashanah dinner at my house this year!

I was due for a pedicure, and invited Anna to come along with me. She decided she wanted a manicure and pedicure. She LOVED it, but of course!

We have done some serious birthday party hopping recently. First was Brandon's 1st birthday which I posted on previously. Then was Seth Joachim's 1st birthday (Seth is the son of our friends Rachael and Paul). Then last week was Kayla's 4th birthday! I have officially declared it Birthday Season! I am in the planning process for Anna's 6th birthday. She will turn 6 on Oct 26th!! OH MY GOODNESS!!

Seth's Party....

Kayla's Party.....

Speaking of Anna, we are SOOOO proud of her. She won Student of the week last week! We were SO proud!!

Our favorite Marine Sam came to visit us for about a day and a half during his 2 week R&R from Iraq. We took him out to celebrate a very belated 40th birthday. It was GREAT to see him, and pray for a safe return home in 4 months from his 2nd Iraq tour.

The Nick Hotel classes are going great. We have one more Sunday left, and then we get paid with weekend stays in the hotel. I'm really excited about that.

I'm continuing to sing in chorus on Monday nights so I can perform at Epcot again this year. Dori is singing this year also, so it's like old times in High School! :)

The kids are doing marvelous. My Kindermusik program is going strong. We are up to 14 classes this session. Lots going on!!!! If I stop to think about it, I might get I'm just always moving forward and enjoying every minute!

Have a GREAT rest of the week, and I'll be back soon!

Love, Holly

I'm still here!!

New blog post coming later today! Been a busy 2 weeks!!!!!
Love, Hol

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cutest kids!!

Hi everyone! I'm definitely back in the "blogging spirit"!

Yesterday I just thought Anna looked so cute, so before she left for school, I snapped a couple pictures of her.

After Anna left for school, it was just Aiden and I. I was looking at a location for possible Kindermusik and after that meeting was done, I took Aiden to the mall to read books at the bookstore. I decided that since we were relaxed and it was just the two of us, that I would go stroller free! I wanted to see how Aiden would be with all that freedom. Well all I have to say is, what a SWEETHEART that little boy is!!!!! We held hands all the way into the mall, and into the bookstore. Once we were in the store, he was in a familiar environment and he ran to the kids section. We had a nice time reading. Then I let him pick out a sticker book (Aiden is VERY into stickers all of a sudden), and took him to pay for it. He was VERY interested in the whole process, and then I asked him if he wanted to hold his bag like a big boy. He said "yes", and took it and put it on his wrist and we walked hand in hand out of the store. I just thought he looked so cute and proud, that of course I took a picture of him!!!

Today unfortunately Aiden had cold symptoms, so we kept him home from school. I went to the dermatologist for my bi-yearly biopsy visit. She biopsied 5 freckles and I'll hear results back in about 10 days (or sooner). So far I haven't ever had a problem, so we'll just assume all is fine!

Tomorrow I teach my toddler art class. Fun!!

I was interviewed about my Kindermusik program. If you are interested you can hear it at, but first you have to listen to the lady who invented the Butler Bag. :)

Okay, time to go to sleep! Have a GREAT Wednesday. Be back soon!

Love, Holly

Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Brandon!

My Adorable nephew Brandon celebrated his FIRST birthday today. We went over to my sisters for an intimate gathering of just family, and it was great! It is so much fun to watch the four kids play and interact. Aiden goes back and forth between playing with Brandon, and Kayla since he is the cousin in the middle. The four of them just get along so well, and have so much fun together. What a blessing to all be within 20 minutes of each other. I'm so happy that they can grow up together. Here are some pictures that were taken today!

Anna, Kayla and Aiden getting right to the playing...

Me and my gorgeous boy!

Here's Brandon following the blue icing incident!

The kids got in the spirit!

Me and the Birthday Boy!

My Mom and the kids looking on as Brandon enjoyed his cake.

My sis and me

One of my favorite things in the world are rainbows. This was the rainbow we saw on the drive home today!

The morning was great as well. The Nick Hotel Kindermusik class went GREAT. We had about 20 kids or so attend, and they all had a great time. So did we! We have 3 more Sundays to go!

Okay, here's to a good smooth week!

Love, Hol

Friday, September 7, 2007

Anniversary dinner

Will and I just returned from a lovely dinner at Season's 52 to celebrate our anniversary. I love that place!!! The food is SO good. Here are pictures from our evening.

I snapped this picture of the kids eating dinner before Will and I left. Aren't they SO cute??

It's a busy weekend coming... Tomorrow I'm doing a Kindermusik birthday party for a 1 year old baby. :) Then on Sunday, we are doing a class at the Nickelodeon Hotel. It's the first of 4 that we contracted with them for. September is their Nick Jr. month so we are part of the festivities. What is REALLY cool is that we made it onto the national website: (Look for where it says Kindermusik Family Time! That's us!!)

Then Sunday afternoon we are celebrating my nephew Brandon's 1st birthday. How is THAT possible???

I wish those reading a wonderful weekend! I'll be back soon.

Love, Holly

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

9 years and counting.....



Will and I are celebrating our 9th Anniversary today (Thursday). in the world has it been that long??? Well, I guess we have done a lot in that time. Got married, bought first house, started IFM, got pregnant with Anna, became licensed Kindermusik educator, bought second house, got pregnant with Aiden, started Grow and Sing Studios. We have had loss in our family over the past 9 years. Oh and of course the usual buying cars, getting pets.
Okay, yes.. it HAS been 9 years! heehee...

Things are great all this time later. We have had ups and downs like all couples...but are most definitely stronger for it all. :) I feel so blessed with all we have together. A beautiful family, 2 businesses and most importantly our HEALTH!

Next year we renew our vows in VEGAS for our 10th anniversary. Anyone that wants to join us... COME ON ALONG! We will renew our vows in a little chapel, and PARTY. Can't wait!!! The 1 year countdown is ON!

Will and I are actually going out to dinner to celebrate on Friday night, so tomorrow should be pretty normal. Of course our present to each other was the JOHN MAYER concert. The best time ever!!!!

Hope everyone has a GREAT day. We will!!!

Love, Holly

Monday, September 3, 2007

Back to life, back to reality!

Well, it took me a while to get to this post, but here I am!!!

We have had quite a few weeks here at the Lesnicks! Lots excitement!

Anna started Kindergarten!!!!! Aiden started his 2 day/week preschool. I started my Fall Kindermusik session. Will had a birthday (34th!). Anna started at a new dance studio. Aiden and I continued at My Gym together. Anna started her "Kindermusik Young Child" class for 5 - 7 year olds (the first time we have offered it). Oh my, what else?

Well here are some pictures to capture the highlights....

Here's a pic of Anna and Aiden with Miss Laura. Miss Laura is Aiden's teacher now, but she was also Anna's first teacher at Pre-K. We have come FULL CIRCLE. :)

Here is our big girl with her backpack on the first day of Kindergarten. She was SOOOO excited!

Here is Anna with her new teacher - Miss Browne. Anna LOVES Kindergarten, and her teacher. She says the kids in her class are really nice.

This was taken before Will, Aiden and I left for the "boo hoo breakfast". The PTA threw that for the Kindergarten parents after we dropped off our kids on the first day. Okay, I admit it, I shed a few tears...

Here's Anna in her Ballet outfit, ready for her new studio. She loved her new dance teacher!

Things are going really smoothly around here. Just VERY busy. I started back to my chorus rehearsals for the Christmas Candlelight performances at Epcot.

Weight watchers: I weighed in last week and was down another 3 lbs since weighing in before vacation. So now I'm 5 lbs under goal weight. Yes!!

Alright, as much as I could keep's time for sleep. We just got back from a nice visit at Molly and Alan's. I'm tired. It's late...

Now that I'm caught up.. it will be easy to keep it up!

Until next time...

Love, Hol