Thursday morning, I got up and wasn't sure what I was going to do with the kids... but then it occurred to me that this really fun bounce house place called Sliderz has open play on Thursday mornings. Normally we aren't able to go, because I'm usually teaching Kindermusik, and Anna is in school.. but of course this past Thursday morning, we were free! I asked Will if he wanted to take the morning off considering he worked the entire weekend last week, and had a gig on Saturday night. He agreed, so off we went to Sliderz. I think the pictures will tell all!

Anna on the horizontal bungee!
That's me giving it a try... OY my back!
Go Anna!
Go Aiden!
Will and Aiden on the BIGGER slide!
Thursday night we had a Grow and Sing Studios staff meeting, so yes, a little work had to get done this week.
Friday, I met up with my sister and Carol (and all the kids), at the Borders in Altamonte, to see Mr. Richard perform. He writes zany children's songs that are appealing to both kids and adults alike! My favorite on Friday was a song call "Cheese", where it is basically mocking us parents for always have the camera with us, and taking pictures! It's a damn funny song. If you are interested in who this Mr. Richard character is, check out his site. I snapped a few pics while we were there... the lighting was weird, but I thought this was sweet - Kayla, Anna and Aiden were dancing to the music.
Saturday, Will had to work... but before he left, I managed to run out and get a pedicure. It was SOOOO nice!
Rachael and Paul invited me and the kids over for dinner that night, which was really nice. Paul was really considerate and made a yummy dinner, low in points and therefore low in stress. Will actually got off a little early, and was able to make it over to their place to be a bit social, so it ended up being a fun night.
Today, Rachael and I did a birthday party out in Windermere, in an unbelievable house. All I can say is guest house, game room and theatre , 7 bedrooms... OMG! Anyway, we actually did their daughter's party last year, and they re-hired us again this year. It was exciting for us, because it was our first repeat birthday business. Go us!!!
In other news....
Our Anna girl is sprouting! She put a dress on today, that she had worn last week just fine... but today it was SO short!!!! Tonight, as she was going to bed, she said her "growing pains hurt" and she was hungry. Oh my... LOL.
For whatever reason, this past week we have heard bad news, or just hard news from various friends (who don't know each other). I've been giving a lot of advice and trying to be strong for them - and a good friend... but I guess yesterday, it finally took it's toll on me (and maybe mix a little hormones in there as well!), and I was feeling pretty down. Anna asked me why I looked sad, so I told her the truth, that some of my friends were sad, and it made me sad. Well, do you know what that girl's answer to me was?? "Mommy, if they are sad, you should try to make them happy, instead of being sad too". Is that some seriously good advice from a 5 year old or what? oh, and then she came over and gave me a big hug and kiss, and asked me if that made me happy... and I told her YES! :) My life is so blessed.
Have a perfect week everyone! Weight watcher weigh in on Tuesday!
Love, Hol