Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good day for Aiden!!!

Today is definitely a good "Aiden" day. It really is like we are watching our son in "Developmental Fast-Forward".

First, Aiden slept really well last night and woke up reasonably 0n time to make it to school. We know that when this happens, it's going to be a better day, than either a broken sleep or LOOOONG sleep (like the one he had the night his episode happened).

Aiden's teacher told me about something that happened today that shocked them. I guess the kids were asked to clean up and whoever helped would get 2 M&M's to eat. After the cleaning session and they were in their circle, Miss Kelly went to each child and thanked them for putting away this or that. She got to Aiden and said "Aiden, I didn't see you put anything away, did you?". He replied with, "I put away the doll". They were SOOO happy to hear him speak clearly, and also express himself. Of course he got the M&M's. :)

Then after I picked him up from school, we had a bit of time before we had to pick up Anna.. so I took him to a nearby playground to play for a few minutes. I told him we had to get Anna soon. He said, "I want to go play". Again, he amazed me!!!! He just hasn't been expressing himself like that at all.

Just a week ago, Aiden was barely speaking.. and now he is sporatically using 5 word sentences. wowie!!!!

He is still quite quiet most of the time, and sometimes still gets very frustrated.. but boy, what a difference a few days make. Sooooo strange that he has come this far without any therapy or anything!

So....... tomorrow is AIDEN'S 4th BIRTHDAY!! I can't believe that!! We do have an appt. with our pediatrician. Then we are going to the private therapy assessment to hopefully line up some speech therapy. I'll keep posting...

Love, Holly