Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Week 3 weigh in, and other stuff too!

Well, this was my third weigh in and I lost another 1.2 pounds! YEY! I'm down 4.8 in 3 weeks, so it's working... whoo hoo! I decided I wanted pics of my progress because it's very hard to realize your progress until you can really see it. So just like pregnant women take pictures as they get bigger and bigger, I'm going to take pictures as I get smaller and smaller! LOL!

So here I am today (Will took profile and butt shots too, but sorry guys, there are some things a girl must keep to herself... at least for a while!)

We are very much back in the swing of our normal schedule. Anna's back in school, she had dance class on Monday... today Aiden and I went to My Gym, and then I went to Weight Watchers, and tomorrow KINDERMUSIK!! Today, while I was cooking dinner (Weight watchers Eggplant Parm, yum!) Will played with the kids outside.
Aiden was really trying hard with the t-ball today. He hit a couple really well actually!! Go A-man! Here's his one handed swing!

I thought this was a precious pic of Anna...

Off to relax a bit and watch American Idol. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT! heehee...

Love, Holly