Yesterday I just thought Anna looked so cute, so before she left for school, I snapped a couple pictures of her.
After Anna left for school, it was just Aiden and I. I was looking at a location for possible Kindermusik and after that meeting was done, I took Aiden to the mall to read books at the bookstore. I decided that since we were relaxed and it was just the two of us, that I would go stroller free! I wanted to see how Aiden would be with all that freedom. Well all I have to say is, what a SWEETHEART that little boy is!!!!! We held hands all the way into the mall, and into the bookstore. Once we were in the store, he was in a familiar environment and he ran to the kids section. We had a nice time reading. Then I let him pick out a sticker book (Aiden is VERY into stickers all of a sudden), and took him to pay for it. He was VERY interested in the whole process, and then I asked him if he wanted to hold his bag like a big boy. He said "yes", and took it and put it on his wrist and we walked hand in hand out of the store. I just thought he looked so cute and proud, that of course I took a picture of him!!!
Today unfortunately Aiden had cold symptoms, so we kept him home from school. I went to the dermatologist for my bi-yearly biopsy visit. She biopsied 5 freckles and I'll hear results back in about 10 days (or sooner). So far I haven't ever had a problem, so we'll just assume all is fine!
Tomorrow I teach my toddler art class. Fun!!
I was interviewed about my Kindermusik program. If you are interested you can hear it at, but first you have to listen to the lady who invented the Butler Bag. :)
Okay, time to go to sleep! Have a GREAT Wednesday. Be back soon!
Love, Holly