Monday, April 30, 2007

SO much excitement!

SOOO much to catch up on!
Friday night we went out to celebrate Rachael's birthday. I of course brought along the camera, and well, I guess we got a little picture happy. We went for Sushi (I can NEVER have too much Sushi), and it was gooood!! The dinner was fun, lots of great conversation and lots of laughing...
but the interesting part happened AFTER dinner!!

We were walking out of Fuji Sushi, on our way down to Urban Flats for dessert, when this guy holding a bunch of signs comes up to us. We were thinking "who the heck IS this", but he asked us if we like chocolate. Well, HELLO, like we are going to say no? So we said yes, and casually mentioned that it was Rachael's birthday, and he leads us into an empty store that has chocolate. It's apparently a brand new chocolate shop, and he only opened 2 days before. He leads us to the center of the store where there were dispensers of various chocolate items, and proceeds to give us samples of everything.

THEN, he took Rachael over and handed her an AMAZING basket of chocolate items to take with her for free. wow!!!
That was quite a shock and sort of surreal. We left there all bewildered, but obviously amused. Will and I both agreed that at first it was sort of eerie -- I mean here's this guy, just randomly unlocks a door to a chocolate factory, and give us free chocolate. Sort of Willy Wonka - esque. Don't you think?? haha!

Anyway, then we finally made it to Urban Flats for some chocolate fondue (like we needed that????). It was definitely a challenging weight watchers evening for me, but I actually didn't do that badly!

Saturday was a long day for me. I taught Kindermusik, hosted a "free play", and then took care of the kids all day/ night because Will was triple booked on weddings & events.

Sunday (yesterday) we spontaneously took the kids to see "Jack and the Beanstalk" at the marionette theater in town. They LOVED it!!!!
Today was a big ANNA day. She went to school, and then had dance class, and THEN we took her to orientation at her new Elementary School. Will and I were very emotional. It was really surreal to be taking our daughter to the school to meet the teachers, etc. I was SO impressed with everything. The staff was really nice. The principal was as well. As we got out of the car, and walked to the school... Will and I both noticed what a BEAMING smile Anna had on her face. She was truly excited about her new school. This just made me MORE emotional, if that is possible. We checked in, and Anna received a goody bag that was decorated by a current Kindergartner. So cute.
Then the principal spoke, followed by some others, and then we were invited to explore the 4 Kindergarten classrooms, meet the teachers, etc. Anna LOVED that, and was excited to see that some things in the classrooms were the same as her school has now. :)
After that, Anna was invited to go through the cafeteria line and get a cookie and milk. The principal was there and explained to Anna exactly what to do, and how it works. Anna was very intrigued. I was so proud of her because she said hello, told him her name, and said "Thank you". What a good girl!!!
After that she of course ate her cookie,
and then we bought her an East Lake Elementary shirt. She posed with it proudly for the camera.
When we got home, Anna couldn't wait to call ALL her grandparents, and one by one tell them about her experience at her Kindergarten.
So there you have it! We have come to my current state of lounging on the couch with my laptop, procrastinating from doing paperwork, and contemplating watching Ugly Betty from last Thursday on the DVR. umm.. Yeah, that's what I'll do!
More soon, I promise!!
Love, Holly

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It's Wednesday already??

Hope your week is going well. Our weekend was great. My mom and Jerry took the kids on Saturday night, so we met up with some friends at my FAVORITE Sushi / Japanese restaurant in town, Amura. Then we went and played pool. Lots of fun. My mom kept the kids through most of Sunday as well, and Will and I slept in until after 11am! I can't remember the last time we did that!!! It was AWESOME!!!

The week has been busy. We did a Kindermusik demo on Tuesday at one of the hospitals for the "Mobile Moms" group, which went VERY well, and the week has been going strong ever since. I weighed in at Weight Watchers yesterday and lost a whopping .2 lbs. ugh! However, I knew it would be like that because every 4th week I'm, how shall I say...moody and bloated! LOL. So all I can hope for is that next week my body levels out, and I lose LOTS! I officially have 9.8 lbs to lose to get to my goal. Which seems so reachable now. Yey!

Happy Birthday to Elizabeth, who had a birthday yesterday, and an early Happy Birthday to Rachael who's birthday is Saturday!

Tomorrow I will teach 2 Kindermusik classes and then in the evening I'm going out with my friends to Season's 52. Yummmy, and healthy! Friday I am doing a birthday party for a 1 year old. So sweet, and then in the evening going out to celebrate Rachael's birthday. I am definitely being challenged to stick to my Weight Watchers points over the next couple of days.

Saturday is our last Sat. Kindermusik class of the session followed by our last Free Play of the session. Our Spring session is coming to a close, and we have already gotten Summer registration underway. It's still 2 months away, but we can proudly say that we are almost full in a couple of our classes. Wow!

Today we enrolled Anna in summer camp. It's called "Camp Eagle Day Camp" held at the Double R Private School. She will go twice a week for the summer, while I teach Kindermusik. Aiden will continue to go to A Kid's Gym where he will go to school in the Fall. He LOVES it there, and the teachers LOVE him! That is where Anna has gone for 3 years, and will soon graduate. Anna's Kindergarten Roundup (orientation) is this coming Monday. I can't believe it!!!! I'm getting a little, no a LOT, emotional about that!

Okay, so that is the update on the Lesnick front. I haven't snapped any pictures in the last few days, but will for my next post!

Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone. I'll be back soon! :)

Love, Holly

Friday, April 20, 2007

How Lucky You Are...

Greetings! It's LATE Friday night, and I'm sitting in bed, winding down after a long week. It was a long week for everyone in America though...

However, personally things were pretty good this week. Kindermusik classes went wonderfully.. and here we are, the weekend is here!

On Thursday, we had family haircuts... I took some pictures (of course!).

Today I helped set up a vendor event we were doing for Grow and Sing.

I couldn't stay because I had tickets to take Anna to see "Seussical the Musical". However we did stay long enough for an opportunity to pet a police horse.

It was the last show of our season tickets and it was GREAT! Anna wanted to pose in front of a poster so we would know what show she went to!

It was so nice to spend time with Anna one on one. I think we'll get tickets next season as well. Good stuff!

This weekend my mom is taking care of the kids, so Will and I are going to have some time together to relax. We are very much looking forward to that!! Especially since next week is a CRAZY work week for BOTH of us!!

And now a little inspiration. In the play we just saw, there was a song, that REALLY rang true, especially this week. I thought it would hit home for lots of us right now, so here you go, it's called How Lucky you Are:

When the news is all bad,

When you're sour and blue,

When you start to get mad

You should do what I do-

Tell yourself How lucky you are...

When your life's going wrong

When the fates are unkind

When you're limping along

And get kicked from behind

Tell yourself how lucky you are...

Why decry a cloudy sky

An empty purse A crazy universe?

My philosophy is simply Things could be worse!

So be happy you're here.

Think of life as a thrill

And if worse comes to worse (As we all know it will)

Thank your lucky star

You've gotten this far...

Hope everyone has a good weekend. And... just remember how lucky you are...

Love, Holly

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday tales...

Hello... well, it's been a sad couple of days listening to the horror that went on at VA Tech. I have been watching TV probably a little too much, and crying for those poor college students and faculty that went through all that, and the poor families getting their bad news. I just couldn't imagine. I was just watching a story about one of the Professors that died yesterday. He was a Holocaust Survivor. Imagine escaping the Holocaust and then this.... Anyway, my heart just hurts for what happened.......

Anyway.... on a lighter note, things are well around here. I've been getting some work done in between activities... and tomorrow I teach Kindermusik.

I weighed in today, and lost .8 lbs, which brings me to 9 lbs lost in 7 weeks. Not bad! I have 9 lbs to go to get to my goal. :)

After dinner tonight I read some books to Aiden
and then Anna and I worked on a 100 piece puzzle...
Aiden helped by handing us pieces...
Aiden also decided he wanted to walk in my shoes! Haha!!!

Love to all ---

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Our update, and Iraq update..

Well, it's Sunday night and we just finished watching Sopranos and Entourage, both really good and now I'm blogging, then going to bed.

Unfortunately, I'm not feeling so great right now. A little sinus pain, etc. but hopefully I can shake it off quickly. We had some strange weather today, so that probably has something to do with it.

Anyway, to catch up where I left off ... well... Anna is officially registered for Kindergarten. It was a little traumatizing actually going there and doing it. But Will reminded me that it doesn't mean she starts tomorrow. She still has like 4 months before she goes.. so that's a lot of time to get used to it! :) I took a picture of her new school. It's been open only 2 years, so it's nice and new.. and we hear GREAT things about the principal. There is a Kindergarten "Round Up" on April 30th which is an orientation, and then on May 30th Anna will go for an assessment with all the Kindergarten teachers. I guess they like to find out what levels the children are at before the year begins.

There was a "parent's night out" schedule with my friends for Saturday night, and since Will was working TWO weddings, I asked Rachael to be my date. It was nice to get out on a Sat. night and just have some adult chit chat.

Our original plan today was to go to the Lake Eola Arts & Crafts festival.. but unfortunately we had some pretty severe storms this morning. So we waited it out until the storms passed, and finally around 2pm we made it out. We met up with my sis, Steve, Kayla and Brandon for a late lunch at RJ Gators. It was yummy, and then strolled the mall a bit together.

Here are the happy girls..

Here's my happy boy!

Here's Happy Brandon!

Me and Aiden

The family strolling through the mall (minus me)

Kayla, Anna and Aiden showing off their dollar store purchases...

We ended up strolling to get the kids some cookies to finish off the great afternoon we were having and the kids were hungry, so we ended up feeding them dinner. We caught this very sweet moment... isn't that sweet?

So, it ended up being a pretty good day, just with a stormy start. Will and I also talked with our friend Sam today who called on a Satellite phone from Iraq. He is doing okay.. but he said something that was pretty sad. He said that as we all go on with our daily activities which are always busy, new and exciting... for the Marines over there, it's like the movie "Groundhog Day". He said it's the same exact thing everyday. The good part about that statement is that at least he isn't in the front lines where it IS different every day... but I felt really bad for him when he said that. So Will and I think it's time to help make at least one of his days DIFFERENT from the rest. We want to get another box together of goodies and send it off. SO, if you are reading this and would like to contribute to a box that you KNOW will land in the hands of our friend Captain Evans and his unit... just let me know. It can be anything from food, to books, magazines, DVD's (they have them on their computers), CD's, personal hygiene products, etc. Our last box that we sent over was received well, as it was a CASE of girl scout cookies from us and the Joachims. Apparently the cookies were consumed in about 10 minutes!!!! The box also contained items donated by my mother's co-workers at ORHS (thank you all!!!). Our goal is to send the next box in TWO weeks. If you live far away and are reading this, and want to contribute, you can do so by contributing $$ and we can purchase items for you. Oh, and Sam and his unit were originally supposed to be over there for 7 or 8 months, and now it's going to be at least 13 months. :(

Sam, if you are reading this, please know that it's our goal to bring some joy to one of your days VERY soon!!!! No more Groundhog Day!!!

I think that's all for now. Tomorrow will be busy. Kindermusik, Anna in school, Anna's dance class, my chorus rehearsal. So, it's time for me to go to BED!

Until next time...
Love, Holly

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Catching up from a busy week!

Hi! What to say... I'm busy as ever, but finally decided to STOP for a few minutes and post. We just started Summer registration for Kindermusik, and proudly I can say that we are already quickly filling up. It's a busy time for us since we are ending one session, beginning another, and doing lots of demos and vendor events. I'm VERY excited because our company Grow and Sing Studios is celebrating 2 years this June. So Rachael and I have decided to have a big party to celebrate. Everyone is going to be invited (past customers, present, and future?). We have a special guest coming to perform, and it's just going to be a blast... so we are already planning all of that out too. WOWIE! That's all I can say!! Lots going on!

I'm also SOO excited because tonight we booked our plane tickets to go up North for our summer vacation. This will happen at the end of July into early August for 10 days! YEY!!!! We are taking the kids and going to Philly, staying with my Aunt Rhea and Uncle Steve, meeting up with some Lesnicks, and then to the mountains at Bellasylva (a historic family place on Will's mom's side). After the mountains we go back to Philly for a family reunion on my mother's side. This side of the family has never done that, so this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I just found out my mom is going up too , as well as my sister and her family. It's all VERY exciting!!! We haven't really been on a vacation since our cruise when Aiden was 8 months old.. so I'm SOOO ready!

I had some great Kindermusik classes this week.. they were really special (they always are, but somehow this week really clicked for me). Tomorrow I am doing a birthday party. This one is unique because as it turns out, Will did the parent's wedding video!

This was the email I received, "I hope you don't mind me asking, are you related to Will Lesnick? Your last name, Lesnick, seemed familiar when you first returned my call (caller ID). Now in reading this e-mail, I see that our payment posts to In-Focus Media. I'll never forget the name of that business b/c Will video-taped my wedding. He did an AWESOME job!! Because of him, I will have memories of that magical day forever. Anyway, what a small you (I'm not sure of your relation to Will) are going to make music w/ us for my daughter's 2nd birthday. You Lesnick's have a way of being there for memorable occasions :) How cool is that...LOL!!"

I thought that was really cool.

Today after Kindermusik and after the kids got home, we went over to celebrate a 2nd birthday for one of the playgroup kids. I captured some pics... Anna avoided the camera today because she was in the pool the whole time.

Here is Kali blowing out her candle

Enjoying her cupcake

Aiden enjoying his...

Kali, Nikki and Kendall

Okay, I'm spent.. time for bed...

Kindergarten registration coming soooon!

I'll post soon. :) Sam, if you are reading this from Iraq, call us! We miss you and wonder how you are doing.

Night all!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Week 6 weigh in

Well, I weighed in today, and once again... success! I lost 1.2 lbs this week for a total of 8.2 lbs in just 6 weeks! I'm so excited.. the program is really working for me this time around. I'm already feeling so much better... and am only 10 lbs away from my goal! (at least my first goal... I want to lose a bit more for some flexibility!). I am using weight watchers e-tools to track my progress, and for all kinds of other cool stuff, and was able to get this grid off of it, to visually see my progress. Pretty neat. The star represents 5 lbs loss. The brown line is my 10% goal (weight watchers wants you to focus on losing 10% of your starting weight first before going for the gusto of losing ALL of it). For me, my 10% goal is only 4 lbs difference from my entire goal. The purple line shows where my actual goal is... Not far now Toto! :)

Hope my girlfriends are ready to go shopping with me when I get to that purple line!!!!!!! :) Whew hew!!!

I'll be posting again.. maybe even later tonight.
Love, Hol

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Our visit to Melbourne

Happy Weekend, Passover and Easter to all! :)

We started off the weekend this past Friday with Will taking a half day off. We took the kids to see Meet the Robinsons, which surprisingly, not only did the kids enjoy, but I did as well! It was really cute.

Today I taught a Kindermusik Family class which was wonderful. Today's theme was "An afternoon at the Aquarium" and everyone had so much fun. Then we offered a Free Play Musical Exploration to all families in our program, and surprisingly we had an AMAZING turnout. I actually was anticipating a low turnout today because there were so many Easter festivities going on around town, but nope, that didn't keep anyone away! We had an Egg Shaker (one of our Kindermusik instruments) hunt. When the kids turned in the egg shakers, they exchanged them for chocolate and lollipops. Not bad! :)

After that, we had lunch, went home, and quickly turned around and left for Melbourne. My friend Renee had her 4th child a week ago. A beautiful little girl named Elizabeth Rose. So we of course wanted to go meet her. What a beauty! We of course snapped some pictures.

Renee, Me and Elizabeth Rose

Renee and baby...

I got my mitts on her!

Aiden was very interested in her...and also VERY gentle.. it was so sweet.

Anna's checking out her little toes..

The proud Papa

Will rough housing with Madalynn

Aiden and David sharing a snack

Madalynn and Anna on the computer

Tomorrow we fully plan to stay home, go through the kid's closets, and chill. WE NEVER GET TO DO THAT!!!

We hope everyone celebrating Easter has a nice day! I'll be posting again soon.

Until next time...