The day started out without a hitch. It was the first day in a LONG while where I didn't have to get up early to teach Kindermusik, and BOTH kids were going to A Kid's Gym for the morning. Will took them while I leisurely pulled it together, and when Will got home, we had a chance to *clears throat*! LOL. But then, as I was about to process a contract for IFM, the phone rings. It was the very first time we got a call from Anna's school. Apparently Anna's throat hurt and she was having a hard time, so I ran to get her, took her to the doctor, ran back to pick Aiden up, and finally got home. Goodness!
My mom came over to bring the kids some Valentine's Day goodies. The kids were thrilled to see her, and of course to rake in on some gifts!
Here's a sweet pic.

Of course, all I could think about ALL DAY was my dinner out with Will! It was SO yummy, and the conversation was pretty good too ;) .
Here are a couple pics from the evening...

Off to watch Ugly Betty on the DVR. Nighty night all. Wish me luck falling asleep!
Love, Holly