So lets see.. first of all, the movie Reign on Me. It was VERY good. I knew it was going to be heavy, and it WAS, but who knew Adam Sandler was such a good dramatic actor. Although he was very good in Punch Drunk Love. Anyway, it was a perfect role for him, and even though it was sad, I truly enjoyed it. So, thumbs up from the Lesnicks!
Last week I went to a Mom's Nite Out with my girlfriends. We ate Sushi - my favorite - and snapped a pic. :) In June we are going on a Mom's weekend (this will be our 4th year going!) - this year to the Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood Florida. Yes, that is where Anna Nicole Smith passed a way...a little eerie, but hey, it's a GREAT place! We all can't WAIT!

On Friday, Aiden got a haircut. Isn't he so cute in that chair?? The kids LOVE Miss Denise. So do we!!!!

The week has been busy, but very smooth so far. At Anna's dance class, all the parents were called in so we could learn the steps to their recital dance, and Aiden was having a great time watching all the girls dance! He mimicked them also, and he is now deemed the class mascot! So funny!
Today we went to My Gym. Aiden LOVES it there... I snapped some pictures. Here's Aiden with Miss Janet. She was teaching him how to climb the rope...
Here's Aiden learning how to do a handstand.
Here is Aiden with his favorite teacher Miss Simone. Miss Simone is also going to be Aiden's swim teacher this summer! (along with Anna, Kayla and Amy). Aiden LOVES Miss Simone!

Well, I weighed in today, and well.. I stayed the same as last week. No loss, no gain. I'm attributing it to PMS, since I was a good girl and stayed on program all week. If my suspicion is correct, then next week should be a good weigh in. It's all good, I just have to stay on track, which I will. I did vow to myself however to exercise at least 4x this week. I just finished my Pilates workout, so 3 more to go before next weigh in!
Anna has gotten into creating "Pine Cone Art". She collects pine cones from the back of our house, and creates. Apparently this work of art is called "The Clown"

I think I've caught up on the happenings around here! Hope everyone is having a good week. I'll be back soon! :)
Love, Holly