Monday, August 18, 2008

Off she goes.....

My little girl just left for First Grade!!! I have been pretty calm about it until about right now! After she walked out the door, I definitely became emotional. It's really baffling to me that I just sent my confident daughter out the door. My daughter who is missing a tooth, has another loose one, is reading chapter books by hearself and was wearing a Hannah Montana backpack -- the one she HAD to have! Pacifiers to Hannah Montana... it only goes downhill from here... JUST KIDDING! I'm just SOOO proud of her.

Have a perfect day all!

Friday, August 15, 2008

All I want for 1st grade is my two front teeth!!!!

Our little girl lost her first tooth today!!!!!!

Will and I actually got VERY emotional when it happened. We can't believe she is starting first grade this Monday, and just before that, the tooth fell out! Here's a picture....

We took Anna to her "Meet The Teacher", and we met her new teacher Miss Coleman. Here's a pic!

Is Anna REALLY turning 7 in October? OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!

Nick Hotel

We had a GREAT time at the Nick Hotel this past weekend. It was a great way to end the summer and gear up for school. Here are some videos to enjoy! Aiden loved the toddler slide and Anna has become an AMAZING swimmer this summer!!

Here are some pics!