Things have been very busy (of course!). Kindermusik has been great. Classes are all going along wonderfully and I just can't believe how many families we see each week. I think we are upwards of 130!! WOWIE!!!
I'm SO excited because our dear friend Sam is returning from Iraq sometime is the next few days (it's unclear exactly when). He has been there for a year, and it will be such a relief to hear that he has once again returned safely back to his base and kiddos who miss him terribly. I can't believe this Iraq thing is still going on. No comment. Anyway, we can't wait until he can visit Florida and get some seriously good R&R.
We have been very busy lately doing more renevations on the house. We painted some walls, changed kitchen hardware, hung pictures, shelves, and completely re-arranged the kids' playroom.... lots of work but SOOO worth it. I will most definitely take some pictures and post soon.
What else?! I don't know.. I'll add some pictures, and I'm sure that will spark some ideas as to what to update on!
Ah...yes! Last weekend, I had this idea to all go strawberry picking at a nearby patch. Well...we got there and they were CLOSED. The kids were really excited to get out and do something, so we drove a bit, and came upon a park of sorts called Black Hammock. Well, it was really fun. They have gators to check out, birds, airboat rides, a restaurant -- and all of it waterfront! We had absolutely NO idea it was here, and it's only 15 minutes away from our house. It's so much fun to discover things like that!! Here's a couple pictures from that fun day:
Our dog Sagan (who we adopted from Rachael's brother Robert a few months ago), we have discovered is afraid of cameras. The minute he detects that a camera is coming out, or if he hears the BEEP, he flees the room immediately. I have spent the last few months trying to get a picture, and have been unsuccessful. However, I FINALLY did it! I turned the camera on in another room, waited a few minutes, pressed the button halfway, and walked in is what I got!

Will also caught a cute moment with the cats recently...
Aiden got a froggy towel from Grandmolly and Grandpa over the holidays and it's just TOOO cute!!!
A couple other pictures... Anna after her and I had returned home from getting our hair done. She LOVES going to Miss Denise (our hairdresser) because she straightens it!
Here's a picture just to say I'm proud of myself that I have been successfully maintaining my weight since the end of summer! I've been working out with weights also and I feel SOOO good!