The Kindermusik event went off without a hitch. It was just amazing to see all the organizing and prep work turn into such GREAT party! We had a bounce house, face painter and balloon animals, a Kirigami artist (paper cutting), Mr Richard - a local children folk singer, instrument exploration, and cake! We had approximately 50 families or so attend, which is amazing. Will took video, and my friend Kristin took pictures, so I will soon post those so anyone reading this can see what it was all about. The whole purpose of the party was to thank all the past, present and future Kindermusik families that have been a part of our growth and success of the past 2 years. Rachael and I created Grow and Sing Studios 2 years ago, and in that short time, we have gone from 2 classes to 13 classes, in 2 locations with 3 teachers. It's truly exciting and overwhelming at the same time. All I know is if it continues to be as much fun as I'm having right now, I'm going to just embrace the growth! I am LOVING what I'm doing. So anyway, like I said, pictures and video of that party are forthcoming.. but for now, here are some pictures that were taken today! :)

This week we are kicking off our Summer Kindermusik camps, so busy but fun times ahead!!
Hope everyone has a GREAT evening and Monday.. and I'll be back on Tuesday or Wed after my weekly weigh in!!
Love, Holly