Thursday, August 26, 2010

REALLY??? Has it been that long?

I was just chillin, looking at facebook tonight, and saw one of my new Kindermusik instructors had just created a new blog. It sort of reminded me that I was a very loyal blogger and then, facebook sort of crept in, and I just forgot all about this place. I miss it! So, I'm going to try to return to the land of blogging, as it really used to be something I enjoyed. It's interesting how certain phases ebb and flow.

Well, I'm guessing anyone reading this also keeps up with me on facebook, so I'm not even going to begin to TRY to start where I left off in NOV 2009!

But, I can say, that Aiden is doing VERY well. He still attends UCP, and is now in Kindergarten. I'm still a little traumatized about that fact. He still receives speech therapy through the county, and we have arranged for him to still receive private speech once per week with Ms. Jane, who has been treating Aiden since the "incident".

Anna just started 3rd grade. THIRD GRADE!!!!! Nuff said on that. :)

My Kindermusik studio has just exploded, and is really doing great. I'll fill in on all that on my next posting.

Will and I are about to celebrate 12 years of wedded bliss on September 6th.

While I would love to blog some more tonight, I dare admit, I'm off to watch big brother. It's double eviction night, and yes, it's my guilty pleasure.

I'm off to Port Orange tomorrow to do some Kindermusik demonstration classes for my new location there. As soon as I can, I'll be back with pictures, links, and all sorts of fun things to peruse!

Nighty night!
Love, Holly