Then I added, "I'm hugging my 8 year old now, Happy Birthday my love".
You see, Aiden and I have a morning tradition. Ever since he got his speech back, he comes to me while I'm sleeping in bed, and until I hear him speak, I'm scared. This has been the case since his "incident" as we call it, which was now 4 years ago. The tradition began 4 years ago, and has changed over the years, because it started with me running to HIM to check on him as a worried mommy, but now, Aiden is very adamant that he be the one who speaks first, and is the one who initiates the hug. So I am instructed to stay in bed until he comes to me. Thank goodness for time.
8 years ago today, I gave birth to Aiden Jack Lesnick, the most adorable baby boy I had ever seen. He has been nothing but smiles since he entered this earth, and my heart is bursting for this kid. He developed well, and was moving along nicely until his incident about 4 years ago. 4 years ago, due to unknown reasons (at age 4), Aiden was unable to speak to us. He was unable to give eye contact. In fact he had a very rapid eye blinking tick. His arm involuntarily jerked. We couldn't take him to places that had flashing lights. He was incredibly sensitive to sound. He was unable to initiate conversations with peers. It was one of the most terrifying things to go through as a parent when you don't know what's wrong (and neither did doctors and specialists) with your baby.
Okay, so here we are. February 4th, 2013. I couldn't feel more blessed or grateful for how far we have come. The last time I posted here, I was upset yet at peace that we made the decision to hold him back in first grade this year. Well, all I can say about that is it was one of the best decisions we've ever made.
Here's a photo of Aiden as I sent him off to school today.
In the last four years, Aiden has been through countless tests, both physical and developmental/educational. It has been a slow process to get him back to developmental age level and grade level. He has worked with speech therapists at his school UCP Bailes, along with his private speech therapist Jane who has been his constant the whole way through. His teachers at school are amazing and completely in tune with Aiden. We are SO thankful for his school which is an all inclusive special needs school with small ratios and the help and support Aiden has needed (and Will and I too!). We have supported and encouraged Aiden to participate in activities that are confidence building without any pressure to "perform" to a certain level in order to be accepted.
This year Aiden has progressed more than any other year. This year, in additional to his therapy, and school, Aiden LOVES attending Crossfit Kids classes where he gets to work to his own ability each day (and is doing amazing!). He also loves to attend Kindermusik, and in fact just began his last semester in Kindermusik for the Young Child. In May, Aiden will graduate out of my program at Grow and Sing Studios. This baffles me! At the beginning of this year, Aiden also wanted to try going to Hebrew School like his big sis, and is doing quite well and enjoying himself. Will and I were worried this would be too much for him, but he is loving every minute.
Our reports from school are completely different than what we have become accustomed to. They have been WONDERFUL! Aiden was tested on the F.A.I.R. test at the beginning of this school year in September 2012, and again when he just got back from Winter Break, and moved up an ENTIRE GRADE LEVEL in that time. His teacher was SO excited that she couldn't wait until the end of the day to tell us, she had to call us right then in the middle of the day. Aiden is now reading. When we go in for conferences, his teachers have nothing but amazing things to say, and those that knew him from past years, can't believe how far he's come. This past Friday, Aiden was tested by his speech therapist Jane, here at the house. I chose to sit in on the testing as I have done each and every year since this all started. Aiden was able to answer every single solitary question with ease. It was no sweat! As the test went on, I had tears (of happiness) streaming down my face, as his speech therapist looked at me and just said "I know".
One last achievement I would like to share before I end. Each and every year, as Aiden's birthday approaches we asked him what he wants to do for his party. In past years, we have had to show him pictures of different options, and he picks that way. In addition, if someone asked him how old he was, or other questions like that, he struggled to answer. WELL, this year, for his 8th birthday we once again asked the question, "Aiden what would you like to do for your birthday?". His response (more or less): "I would like a wonderful mickey mouse party at home with lots of friends, a bounce house, pinata, decorating party hats, and a yummy cake, and decorations." The moment he told us that, we knew, that just by giving Aiden the gift of time, we have come SO FAR. Aiden still has some work to do, but he's just amazed us all.
His party was this weekend, and he said it was the best day ever.
Happy Birthday Aiden Jack Lesnick, we love you!!!!
Love, Holly (his more than proud mommy)

P.S. If you haven't read about Aiden previously, here's our post from last May, and if you want to do reading from the very beginning, you can click here.
Hiya MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you like my speech for school about Aiden? Ps, I'm posting this from my Anna's craft sale account!! I <3 U!!!!
Love Anna Banana
I loved it!!!!! :) proud of you!
ps go to
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