The last two days with Aiden have been WONDERFUL. He is starting to answer questions. He even used a 5 word sentence! As each new day comes, this thing gets more and more bizarre as he continues to improve. It really makes me think something medical happened. Not much to report on all the testing/therapy from except that we have an appointment with a private therapy practice on Wednesday. We feel if we can start this NOW he will only continue to get better and better...
Please pray that whatever happened to Aiden doesn't happen again. That is what we are scared of the most.
We are going to enjoy a fun weekend together with lots of events to go to... and we'll just watch Aiden and see how he does.
And now for something fun...
There is this thing going around Facebook right now to list out 25 Random Facts about yourself and share them with everyone. I finally put mine together and thought I would post them here. What better place than my personal blog?
So here we go:
1) I love Rainbows, they can instantly make me happy despite what kind of day I'm having. The people closest to me know this, so I tend to get calls when someone spots one.
2) Music is what makes the world go around, and I'm blessed each day with the magic of it.
3) I wasn't admitted to FSU based on my SAT scores and grades. The School of Music let me audition, and because they wanted me, they overrode the admissions dept. to let me in. (thankfully I became a good studier in college)
4) I have serious test anxiety
5) My biggest phobia in the world is roaches. My heart starts to palpitate
6) I get stage fright. I feel this has kept me from fully acheiving my goals and have considered hypnotherapy.
7) I am NOT a morning person. If I go to sleep before midnight, I feel like I've "missed" something.
8) I have a weakness for bloody mary's.
9) I met my husband Will at FSU in 1992, but we didn't start dating until after we became roommates after college when I realized I couldn't live without him.
10) I love sarcasm.
11) I live way outside the box
12) My mom is my hero
13) I'm addicted to my blackberry, starbucks, chocolate and sushi
14) I never knew how much I would love my children, but I'm bursting!
15) I have a very strong Jewish identity, but am not religious. I rely on my own definition of faith.
16) The glass is usually half full (I'm the eternal optimist).
17) I have a weakness for indy movies that have shock value.
18) I'm logical
19) I don't mind being short except when walking with a group of people who I can't keep up with. My husband had to learn how to "walk" with me, and shorten his strides.
20) I'm very freaked out about my son right now, but have faith all will be okay
21) Before finding Kindermusik, I was a music therapist where I worked with geriatrics, drug rehab and pyschiatric patients.
22) I am so thankful for my friends and family.
23) I love going out with my girlfriends
24) I want to travel SO badly... I hope life leads me in that direction someday
25) My life has been wonderful so far, but filled with a lot of loss. I choose to consider life a gift and each day I am thankful I am here. I love being a part of this world.
Thanks for reading and have a perfect day.
Love, Holly
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