This past weekend I went on my annual Mom's Weekend away. This year we went to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Ft. Lauderdale. It was a fun time of hanging with friends and it was so nice to just relax and get away for a bit with no responsibilities. As we were checking in, we found out that the entire cast of the Sopranos was going to be at our hotel for their Red Carpet Finale Party on Sunday night. I was heartbroken that we were leaving right BEFORE the red carpet party started, but I did have fun looking around for any cast members. I only spotted one of them while swimming at the pool. Not any of the main actors... but if you watch Sopranos, then it might be exciting to you. Here are some pictures of my weekend. There are many I can't post here since I wouldn't want to offend any of my loyal blog readers... but these should entertain!!
This was taken as soon as we arrived. That is the casino behind us.
Left to right: Nikki, Kristin, Carol, Me, Beth and Kathy

Posing on the rocks at the hot tub.

All dressed up for dinner...

Dinner the first night. We went for Sushi - my favorite, yum!!!

Out dancing

That's me at dinner on the second night.

These beads were hung by the elevator. Everyone posed with them. This is my sexy girl pose as I was dressed up ready for dancin.

That was the Red Carpet intended for the Sopranos finale party.

This was our last picture as we were leaving the Hard Rock. Until next year....

As soon as I returned home on Sunday night, it was time to watch the Sopranos finale. So many people are pissed off at the ending of the Sopranos finale.. but I'm not one of them. I thought the finale was entertaining. I thought it was also insightful into the reality of life. Especially that of a Mob boss. So many people, when it comes to TV shows or movies, always want a definite answer to everything. They want to know EXACTLY what happens... but is life really like that? As I see it, the sopranos ended exactly as it should have. They killed the enemy Phil, the rest of Phil's guys flipped. Tony visited with Silvio and Paulie. They gave A.J. a job. Meadow is going to be a lawyer, and inevitably defend her father one day. Carmella will continue to do her property stuff. Tony will most likely be indited. So what? It's not like it's the first time for him. What I LOVED about the final scene in the restaurant was that even though we didn't really have any reason to worry... I was TOTALLY on edge because the whole point to it all, is that to live the life of a mobster, means to ALWAYS be looking over your shoulder. It might come with $$ and power, but he'll never be at peace.
So that is my take on that!
Monday I had to dive right into work! I had a day long meeting with Rachael and Elizabeth. We had to plan for the summer Kindermusik session which starts this coming Monday. We also planned for our demo that we held today, and our HUGE Grow and Sing Studios Birthday Bash, which is THIS Saturday! The demo today was a HUGE success. We actually took 3 more registrations right there on the spot, so our summer session is just about full. Our bash on Saturday is going to be amazing. We are expecting nearly 200 people which includes parents and children. All who have been a part of our growth and success over the last 2 years. I will MOST DEFINITELY post pictures of that!!
I didn't weigh in yesterday just to give myself a bit more time after Mom's weekend. I was actually going to go, and then Will asked me if I minded weighing in on Thurs. instead so he could go to a meeting. Who was I to say no? So.... I plan to go tomorrow. Yes, I'm a bit nervous since I did splurge.. but who knows maybe it won't be as bad as I think it is... either way, I'm going to face the music tomorrow!
Hope you enjoyed the pictures. I'll be back tomorrow with weigh in results!
Love, Holly
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