Friday, October 30, 2009

Some Halloween pictures and videos to share...

It's been a VERY busy week. I took "off" from official studio classes to volunteer at various fun things for the kids. I now upload all my pictures to my facebook gallery, so if anyone befriended me there yet, that's the place to really know what's going on in Holly Lesnick land. :)

So, first, here's a link to my October 2009 picture gallery. I will probably add a few more from Oct 31st.. but otherwise, it's complete. CLICK HERE TO VIEW PICS.

Anna's ballet teacher asked the kids to dress up in their costumes this past week as they had practiced a routine. The parents were invited in to watch. I captured it on video! I was so impressed by the class and how well Anna did. Yes, I'm a proud mama.

I also was invited to entertain ALL the 4 year old classes at Aiden's school at UCP. They gave me 30 minutes, and combined all the classes together. It was great fun, and quite organized for that many children. :) Here's a quick snipit from that!

Hope you enjoy!
Love, Holly

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