Gosh, I'm so bummed that I haven't been able to keep up with my blog like I had been. It brings me so much joy to post pictures and share my life with my friends and family. I truly hope that I have time to get all caught up soon or at least just resume posting from here forward.. but before I do that -- I have some really exciting news!!
As you all know I have sort of found my "calling" in life bringing music to families. I love showing and guiding parents on ways to bond and play with their children. To take that time each and everyday to just ENJOY each other!
Well, in addition to all my studio classes that I run (my studio is up to 150 children this summer), Will and I are proud to announce the release of our very first DVD!!! How cool is it that Will and I were able to combine our skills!
This DVD is called Connect Through Music, and is currently being sold online at
http://www.connectthroughmusic.com, along with a few retail stores who have already put it on their shelves. We hope to add more and more retail stores and online stores and get the word out!!
Check out the site. It makes a GREAT gift for someone if they are pregnant, or just had a baby, or has a child up to age 5. It encourages playing together as a family using simple household items. This is the DVD you DO want to watch with your child, not one to put on and go cook dinner! (though I guess you could).
Here are some still pictures taken from the photography shoot for the project. There are some video clips on the website. Please spread the word to everyone you know. Also, if you know of any children's stores or boutiques in your area who would want to try it out on their shelves, let us know, we would love if you all our peeps can help us get this out there! :)

Love, Holly
1 comment:
Hi Holly, I read your blog sometime ago about Aidan and commented to Will which I believe he must have relayed to you. I am emailing you because I have not heard from Will and have been trying to reach him. He videotaped my son's Bar Mitzvah at Discovery Cove May 23rd. He told me that he was having some trouble with his phone, so perhaps that is what happened. If you could please tell him to email or call me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Vivian
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