On Thursday (Aiden's birthday), we had two appointments for him. The first was his 4 year well visit with our pediatrician. We were glad to be there to update him on what has been going on since he referred us to the neurologist. He is just another one that is simply perplexed as to what is going on with Aiden. Aiden however, was NOT happy to be there. I think he has finally made the association that visiting the doctor means getting poked, prodded and messed with. It was his birthday, so he had every reason to object! :) Anyway, he definitely was in a "mood".
Then we took him for his 1:30pm Speech therapy assessment with the private practice. Again, he didn't want to have any part in it AT ALL. So.... we are scheduled to try a re-do assessment on Tuesday morning. We really hope Aiden is up for it, so we can get him started on speech therapy.
Once a month Anna's dance friends and the moms go out for pizza night. It just so happened that pizza night this month happened on Aiden's birthday. Usually boys are not allowed, but we made an exception and celebrated Aiden's birthday with pizza and cupcakes!
It is now Saturday night... and today was a great day. The last few days Aiden was not really a happy camper. We didn't see him regress neccessarily, but at the same time, he was ticking a bit and very grumpy. I actually think he was a bit under the weather. Today however, was a GREAT day!! He has now started to greet certain people with hellos, he's doing a lot more talking in general. He is starting to answer questions here and there. Again definitely moving in a forward direction from where he was when this whole thing started.
Tomorrow is his birthday party which I decided to keep pretty small and calm as not to have him get overstimulated and overtired. I hope he has a good time and is up for it tomorrow. I'm doing some Kindermusik fun at the party which is his favorite thing in the whole world. So.. lots of pictures to come from the party.
I'm really hoping that on Tuesday we can get somewhere with the private therapy. So keep your prayers going because I think they are working. Our little guy IS doing better (of course we still have NO idea what is causing this).
Today we had a nice day at a local event where the Orlando Philharmonic played an outside concert of Peter and the Wolf. We met up with Rachael and her kids, and Will's parents are visiting this weekend. We had a great time, and Anna and Aiden LOVED it! Here are some fun pictures from that! Another birthday party update coming soon, and then of course more news about Aiden's tests and therapy as it comes in.
Love, Holly
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