Thursday, January 22, 2009

Please pray for our little Aiden - part 2

Since my last posting below this is what has happened and where we are at:

Last week Aiden had blood drawn for testing. This week on Tueday, Aiden had his EEG test. We had to keep him awake almost all night, so he could go into the test sleep deprived. While this wasn't the most fun we have had, Aiden was quite a trooper. We showed up for the test, and the tech couldn't believe how easy he was to deal with. :) Aiden handled the "awake" part of the test fine, but did start "ticking" at we have started calling it, the minute the strobe lights starting flashing. Then as if right on cue, Aiden fell asleep and they were able to administer the test smoothly. We did find out that they are mostly looking at something called Partial Seizure Disorder. Who knows if that is what is is though until we hear it from the neurologist. Just a theory.

Wednesday we were all recovering from being sleep deprived!

Today Aiden had his MRI of the brain. He had to be sedated for this test which was a little unsettling.. but Aiden did great. He was woozy and wobbly for a couple hours after, and went to bed happy.

As far as Aiden goes, this week.. he is coming back to us a little bit each day. He is saying a few words here and there. Still no hellos, goodbyes, name recognition, conversing, etc. But.. we can see his personality coming back more and more and are hopeful with each day that he'll start talking to us again. Of course we are quite fearful that something else will happen to further set him back before we are able to diagnose and get him help.

The good news is thanks to our doctors, all his tests were done really quickly, and our meeting with the Pediatric Neurologist is on Tuesday. So, hopefully Tuesday we'll have some answers -- because then we can do something. So, over the next 4 days, please think about our little Aiden and our hopeful diagnosis. Our appt is on Tuesday morning at 10:30am.

Love, Holly


Anonymous said...

Glad the preliminary testing is finished and await the results. Take care of yourselves...stay strong....and remember how much all of you are loved by your helpless family up North. Aiden is never out of my mind!!!

xxoo Auntie R

Anonymous said...

Holly, of course we'll continue to keep Aiden in prayer...stay strong, and don't forget to take care of you so that you can take care of him!