So with that as my introduction, here is an account of the past two days!
Friday was a normal day in the morning, she had school. Then she came home, and relaxed while Molly and Alan arrived. We got ready to go to her Pre-K graduation. While we waited in the crowd for Anna to enter, the school projected a slide show with pictures of the VPK class that were taken throughout the year. SO cute! Anna's fan club and cheering section included Me, Will, Aiden, my mom, Jerry, Molly, Alan, Dori, Kayla and Brandon.
They dressed the kids in caps and gowns, and they came marching in to Pomp & Circumstance. So cute!!! We were all asked to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. I had NO idea that Anna even knew the pledge. They sang a bunch of songs, including "I believe I can fly". They they each were called to receive their diplomas, and the head of the school moved their tassels over. The biggest cheerer of all in the crowd was Aiden...who couldn't resist clapping for everyone and yelling "yeah yeah!" at any chance he had! Then the kids passed a microphone to each other. It was evident that they had been practicing for this moment. They were supposed to say their name, and what they want to be when they grow up. Anna said, "My name is Anna Lesnick, and when I grow up I want to be a VET." Anna said this with confidence and poise, and we were SOOOOOO proud of her!!!!!! The kids were given parting gifts a plenty, sang a goodbye song... and that was it! I still can't believe she is headed to Kindergarten in just a few short months. Wow, just where does the time go???
After the graduation, we had to rush Anna over to her dance recital rehearsal. Since she missed the actual rehearsal because she was at the graduation, they just got her up on stage to show her where her color was, so she would know where to stand, and that was it! Then were were off to Applebees for dinner. She just impressed us so much at the graduation. She was so funny, kept on waving at all of us and smiling that beaming smile of hers!! Okay, now for the pictures from Friday:
There's our little graduate!

Getting her diploma

Giving hugs to cousin Kayla

Family picture

Anna with Miss Nancy

Today was Saturday, recital day!
Anna was SO excited when she woke up this morning. We encouraged her to relax and conserve her energy for the big show. We got her dressed, did a quick run through of the dance and off we went! Promptly at 1:30pm, Will and I brought her to the stage door. She posed for a few pictures with her friends, gave us both hugs and then said, "I'm ready to dance.", she turned around and off she went! Will and I just looked at each other like "what happened to our shy reserved child?". We were so proud of her and we were so happy she was excited! Thankfully we didn't have to wait long for her number as she was the 3rd group to dance. All I can say is, it doesn't get cuter than that!!! She did an amazing job and definitely knew her stuff. At intermission she was given an award for participation, and we all gave her gifts.
We asked Anna a few days ago where she wanted to go to eat after her recital to commemorate both occasions, and she picked Too-Jays. She likes their chicken fingers and black & white cookies. So after she got changed, off we went! Anna was SO excited, and kept calling today her special day. Anna and Kayla couldn't stop gabbing and laughing, as Aiden took a snooze through most of the meal (which was nice for Will and I!). After that we strolled a bit and went home.
Which of course brings me to where I began....with Anna crying that her "best day" was over. However, we are going to remedy that by taking the kids to see Shrek 3 tomorrow after Molly and Alan leave. I think she will like that.
So.... if you've made it this far, then you deserve to see some pictures!!!!

Doing some last minute primping...

Anna and some of her dance friends

Opening gifts at intermission

Grandpa wearing Anna's bumblebee hat.

At Toojays

Everyone have a GREAT Sunday!
Love, Holly
It was indeed a great weekend!! Congratulations Anna. You were great!!! Enjoy your new Crocs. And Alan.....the hat becomes you. he, he.
Love to all,
Grandma Sharon
ummm...I think Anna and her friends have been watching too much Paris Hilton! haha :) Very cute!!
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