Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Happy Passover!

Greetings on this fine Wednesday evening! Well, after a GREAT weigh in at Weight watchers yesterday, we went over to my mom's place to have Passover Seder. For a few years now, I have been the leader of our "child friendly" Seder. Which basically means "short and to the point"!

I led us through the basics, trying to explain a little bit a long the way. This year's Seder was enhanced by the reading of "Let my Babies Go!". A Rugrats rendition of the story of passover. :)
The kids were pretty interested in that, along with the singing of the four questions, and Dayenu! Everyone clapped along to Dayenu. It was pretty cool.
The kids loved the Yarmulkes, and all wanted to wear them... my mom told them they are called Kipahs in hebrew, and the kids thought it sounded like Peacocks. So, yes, in our family, these lovely beanies will be forever known as PEACOCKS.
Of course the highlight was the search for the Afikoman (a piece of matzoh, wrapped up and hidden). All the kids went on a search, with Grandma helping out with the "hot and cold" game.

Anna was the one that found it, but in this family EVERYONE is a winner! :)

It was a lovely evening with the Diamonds, Kamans, Joachims and Mom and Jerry. The matzoh ball soup wasn't so bad if I should say so myself!!!! heehee...
Sorry Will wasn't in any of the pics.. I guess he was the one taking them. And somehow Paul, Mom, Jerry, Aunt Bonnie, and Meagan all dodged their picture being taken also!! Oh well! It was a lovely was had by all. :)
Today was a good day... Kindermusik, Kindermusik. I did go out with my friends tonight for dinner.
I better get to bed since I have to teach tomorrow.
Onward and out!
Love, Holly

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey, I hadn't checked yours in a while. Congrats on the WW loss! Looks like you all are enjoying the nice weather. I'm so jealous LOL