Aiden getting a kiss from a SeaWorld friend...

Anna petting a sloth!

Anna and me

Aiden & Anna on a little merry go round..

In a ball pit...

Tired from the day

Look at Anna go!!!!!

Pilots at work!

Anna digging for fossils!

I am proud of myself because even though we ate "fair" food today, I was able to stay within my weight watcher points... I even have a couple to spare. After the kids went to bed, I went right downstairs and did my Winsor Pilates :) Weigh in is this Tuesday... we'll see if there are good results from just over a week of being "on program" as they say.
Just finished watching the L Word, and now going to sleep! Tomorrow we are off to WHERE ELSE?? Kindermusik of course! :) It's "watching day" at Anna's dance class also, so I'll try to snap a picture through the glass window if I can. Have a GREAT week everyone, and I'll of course post the happenings around here.
Love, Holly
Looks like you guys had some serious fun!! The chicken recipe looks yummy. Can you email it to your Momma? Love you all!!!
Love, Mom/Grandma
Looks like you guys had some serious fun!! The chicken recipe looks yummy. Can you email it to your Momma? Love you all!!!
Love, Mom/Grandma
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