We found out that at 2pm there was going to be a St. Patricks Day Parade. Apparantly next weekend is the annual Winter Park Art Festival, so they had to do it this weekend instead. What a fun treat! So we decided to postpone the Publix trip until tomorrow and stay for the festivities! It was LOTS of fun!
Aiden scored himself some green beads!
There's Anna begging for candy!
Aiden LOVED watching the horses


An extra special parade participant

We had such a nice afternoon, and it was completely spontaneous. But... then we had to go home, and Will had to leave for work. The kids and I had a nice evening and I finally just finished cleaning up around here. I'm off to go watch L-word and wait for Will to get home. Tomorrow we are off to my sister's for a playdate with her kids and Rachael's. Should be nice and relaxed...
Nighty nite!
Where did you go for lunch? Looks nice and the kids look happy!!
Love. Mom
Miss Hol,
You are SUCH an amazing woman - Mommy, Wife, Business Woman, Friend, Sister, Daughter...I LOVE reading about your life, seeing the pics and have finally caught up :-)
Have a GREAT night and I'm eagerly anticipating the next post.
Love you!
Gotta love those impromptu family days. Looks like a great time!
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