Let's see....
Yesterday I remembered to bring my camera to Anna's dance class. It was watching day, but unfortunately most of my pictures didn't come through very well. I had to take them through the slits in the blinds and against a glass window... but I did take a picture as the class was going in, and so here is Anna waiting for her dance class to begin.

This morning we had some visitors in our backyard. We had Mommy and Daddy cranes (we are not sure exactly what they are called), and their two newborns come up close to our fence. We hurried outside with some bread, and Will was able to get their attention for a few moments to show Aiden. It was very sweet...the Mommy crane took some bread and carried it over to her babies who never got too close.. oh, and the Daddy crane just kept on eating - typical man!! LOL, just kidding!
Here are the lovebirds (their babies are off to the right in the weeds, but hard to see...)

Here are Aiden and Will feeding bread to them (Anna was already at school)

Jerry came by today to do more work on the house, and created a very beautiful backsplash in our kitchen. My mom requested some pics, so here they are! THANKS JERRY!

And lastly...each Wednesday afternoon, Will brings the kids to one of my Kindermusik Family Time classes. It's an extra special treat because Anna and Aiden get to play with Amy (Rachael and Paul's daughter), and Cousin Kayla. At the end of class, the kids were just fooling around, and put themselves in this pose. Us adults had nothing to do with it! Now, if we would have TRIED to get them to sit like this, it would have NEVER happened! I ran like a speeding bullet across the room to grab my camera before they were "over it". Mission accomplished!!
So here are Aiden, Anna and Amy - AKA the "Three A's"

Tomorrow I teach 2 classes, and then I'm "off" as next week is Spring break. I plan to do so many fun things with the kids next week, since we are all free... so look for some fun pictures from: Strawberry Picking, Playdate at the Diamonds, Mommy, Me and Hue at Painted by Hue, Mr. Richard at Borders, and more! Wow, I'm tired just thinking about it all. Soooo much fun! :) Oh and of course, the dreaded week #2 weigh in at weight watchers. ;) heehee..
Okay all - nighty night...until next time.
Love, Holly
The kitchen backsplash looks great!! thanks for the pictures.
The three little "A's" are so precious. Good shot!
Love, Mom/Grandma
Great pics! I hadn't been on the blogs in the last several days, just updated mine again today and remembered to check yours. Can't believe how big the kiddos are!
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