First, Happy Mother's Day to all those out there that are mommies (that includes mommies to dogs, cats, birds, fish and any other living thing that I can't think of at the moment!).
What a nice day it has been with my wonderful family! Today when I woke up Anna and Aiden came up and delivered cards to me, along with some carefully selected earrings that Anna picked out for me. She wanted them because she knew they matched a dress I just bought. She did really well!!! I wore them today along with the dress so that she knows how very much I love them. :)
Will gave me a beautiful silver and svarski crystal neckace that I LOVE and can't wait to wear, along with a gift certificate to shop at one of my favorite stores: Platos Closet! YEYYY!!! We got my mom her long awaited "Life is Good" shirt from Synergy!
We met up with my mom and Jerry at Hollywood Bistro for brunch. Dori and crew are in NY this year with Steve's family. We had a nice brunch and then headed over to swim at my mom's place. My mom, as a gift to me, let me "shop" in her Mary Kay stock!! Whew hew!!! That was AWESOME!!! :)
And now the pictures....
Here we are arriving for brunch!

Here is a KISS from me for all the wonderful Mommies out there!

Here is what I did on MY day! ahhhhh.....

Me and the kiddos in the jacuzzi!

and of course me and my mommy!

My mother's day festivities actually started with a Mother's Ice Cream social at Aiden's school, and then last Friday a Mother's day brunch in Anna's Kindergarten class. I took some video...
and here's a picture:

I definitely feel loved and appreciated! :)
So my Kindermusik Spring session is finally over. I just went over all the rosters and organized and we had 150 registrants this past session..which is completely baffling to me!!! So onward to Summer session which begins Mid-June. Will and I also have a new project we are cooking up! It's very exciting and I can't wait to announce it! In the meantime I must keep it hush hush (which if you know me is NOT an easy thing for me to do!)
I'm so excited also because Will and I are starting to think about our Vegas trip coming up in September for our 10th wedding anniversary. YEY!!!
Anna's dance recital is this coming Saturday. Her dance picture is precious. I actually have a lot of fun "professional" pictures that I want to share (from Nick Hotel, Thomas Day, Recital and Kindermusik), but they need to be scanned in...and we just got a new printer, so I have to figure that all out. I hope to do all that soon!
I hope this entry finds you well and happy. If you are reading, don't be a stranger. Leave me a comment or email me at!
Have a perfect evening,