Anyway....Since Anna didn't have school on October 26th, and just happened to be her birthday... we took her to Libby Lu for a "girl" day. Anna chose from a variety of hairstyles. You will see what she picked in the pictures below. She also had her nails painted, a touch of makeup (oy!), and made spa products. Dori brought Kayla also, so the girls had a great time. My mom came as well to enjoy watching the girls and to help Anna celebrate her official birthday! The boys just chilled and watched the fun. Afterwards we ate lunch, the kids played and then they had a birthday cookie party! It was such a fun day!
On Saturday, I took Anna (and Aiden) to a birthday party of one of Anna's friends. This is Jenna and Anna at the party....
On Sunday, Rachael and I participated in a Trunk or Treat at one of the churches we rent space from. Everyone decorated their cars and passed out candy. We set up our Kindermusik tent, and set up an "Instrument Exploration Station" and the kids had a blast.
Halloween was a lot of fun. Both kids really got into trick or treating this year. Anna dressed as Ariel, and Aiden was a pirate. Aiden loved knocking in the doors and charming all the neighbors! They walked hand in hand to each house. So cute! Notice Anna's hair. Yes, I sprayed it RED for the occasion!!
Anna's birthday party was this past Saturday. We had a Dora the Explorer party and it was a lot of fun. Anna got a new bike from Grandma and was SO excited. Anna's Kindergarten teacher, Miss Browne came, a bunch of her school friends, and of course friends and family as well. We had a bounce house, pinata, and painted maracas. Even the mommies decided to paint too!!
On Sunday, we took Molly and Alan to Winter Park / Park Ave. to stroll around and have lunch. We went to the fountain and took some pictures.
This week flew by. I was fighting a cold, so I tried to take it easy.. but with my schedule that is hard to do. I am busy trying plan my Spring Kindermusik semester so that is a bit stressful, though I enjoy it. :) I have had the biggest session yet with 127 spots filled! wowie!
Anna has been enjoying her bike....
I just got back from a dinner out with my girlfriends. My friend Carol is moving south, so we took her out as a "goodbye".
This weekend we are "camping out" at a park nearby with some friends. We are pitching a tent, making smores, the whole thing! We are excited!!
I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend, and I'll be back soon.
Love, Holly