I'm back! I feel like I haven't posted in forever, even though I guess it's only been a few days..
So much has been going on in my world, mostly professionally. I can't really talk about it all quite yet, but I will at some point. Very emotional, but productive. It's all good , and I will share soon enough.
On Tuesday my mom took Anna and Kayla for the day. We called it "Grandma Camp". The girls had a great time, and I took a picture at the end of the day.

Fourth of July was lots of fun. We went over to my friend Kristin's house, to celebrate.
Here's Will, and family relaxing on the grass...

Here's our handsome boy. He was very interested in playing with the bat/ball.

The girls spent a lot of doing dress up. :)

Now for a moment I want to focus on the animals! Sagan is adjusting GREAT to our house. All the animals seem to be getting used to him. Lucy of course has been more hospitable than the cats. But there's been some serious bonding going on.
Here is Sagan in a standoff with Sammy. He was just trying to say "Hi"!

Lucy and Sagan are buddies. Here is Lucy resting her head on Sagan. Isn't that SO sweet???

And now for just some random moments captured on camera.
The kids were having fun dancing yesterday, and I just couldn't resist taking a picture!

Anna and I were making a special dinner for her out of a kid's cookbook, so this is Anna helping me prepare the food.

Oh, and tonight, I couldn't resist snapping away after bath time. There are many I don't feel comfortable posting on here... but this picture CRACKED ME UP!!!

Oh, and my big news of the day. I weighed in today. I decided to skip last week because I knew my leader was vacation, AND it was a strange holiday week.. so this week I went to face the music. I lost another 2 pounds! I'm now well under my "official" weight watchers goal, but I still have 5.8 lbs to get to my personal goal. I KNOW I can do it!!!! I'm so close now. So, here is a picture of me, taken today. I'm feeling SO good!!!!!

So that is a summary of the last bunch of days. Tomorrow is fairly relaxed. Anna has camp at My Gym, and then both kids get to play there for free play... so that will be our day. I teach
Kindermusik on
Thursday. Friday, not sure what's going in the morning, but we have family haircuts in the afternoon. I teach
Kindermusik on Saturday, and then Will and I hired a sitter for Sat. night, and we are going on a date. :)
I'll be back!!!! :)